Quality Analysis Of Multi-GNSS OSB Products from CNES and Its Performance Evaluation of Real-Time Precise Point Positioning
摘要: 面向原始观测值的绝对信号偏差(observable-specific signal bias,OSB)为多频多模GNSS数据处理提供了一种简单、统一的相位/伪距偏差修正方式,其实时产品质量直接决定了整数解实时精密单点定位(real time precise point positioning with ambiguity resolution,RTPPP-AR)效果。法国国家空间研究中心(centre national d’etudes spatiales,CNES)作为目前唯一公开提供实时OSB产品的研究机构,推动了多频多系统RT PPP-AR的实际应用。本文详细分析并评估了CNES实时OSB产品的质量及其RT PPP-AR定位性能,以便为更多实时精密定位用户应用提供参考。实验结果表明:在CNES实时OSB产品质量方面,其产品可用率、稳定性以及精度均具有较好表现。其中,GPS/Galileo/BDS三系统的相位/伪距OSB产品可用率达90%以上,但部分卫星(如G28、E02、E07、E21)可用率仅在40%~80%;GPS/Galileo相位OSB产品稳定性均优于0.15周,BDS稳定性略差于前两者,其GPS/Galileo/BDS日平均标准差(standard deviation,STD)分别为0.085、0.117、0.228周;通过OSB修正以后,GPS/Galileo/BDS卫星宽巷(wide lane,WL)与窄巷(narrow lane,NL)模糊度残差较小,其在±0.25周以内的百分比分别为92.4%、95.9%、86.6%和88.4%、91.5%、87.4%,可满足PPP模糊度固定的需求。利用MGEX实测数据验证其RT PPP-AR定位效果,结果表明:基于CNES实时OSB产品可实现动态厘米级RT PPP-AR的定位精度,GPS+Galileo+BDS三系统RT PPP-AR定位误差在东、北、天方向分别为1.16 cm、0.95 cm和2.78 cm,相比未做OSB修正的浮点解PPP结果,RT PPP-AR的收敛时间可缩短40%以上;基于CNES实时OSB产品可实现BDS单系统模糊度固定,定位精度相比浮点解有显著提升,模糊度固定成功率约为94%。Abstract: Objectives: The Observable-specific Signal Bias (OSB) provides a simple and unified way for phase/pseudo-range bias correction in multi-frequency and multi-constellation GNSS data processing. The quality of real-time OSB products directly affects the performance of Real Time Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution (RT PPP-AR). The Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) is currently the only research institution that publicly releases real-time OSB products which promote the practical applications of multi-frequency and multi-constellation RT PPP-AR. This study first evaluate and analyze the quality of real-time OSB products from CNES and their impact on RT PPP-AR solution, aiming to provide a reference for increasing RT PPP users. Method: After evaluating the availability and stability of real-time OSB Products from CNES, the ambiguity residual distribution situation were statistically analyzed. Simulated kinematic and static positioning experiment were carried out to verify the positioning performance of RT PPP-AR based on real-time OSB Products from CNES for several different system combinations. Results: Experimental results show that real-time OSB products from CNES demonstrate high availability, good stability and high accuracy. As for the availability of phase/pseudo-range OSB products for GPS/Galileo/BDS systems reaches over 90%, but for some satellites (such as G28, E02, E07, E21), the availability ranges from 40% to 80%. The stability of GPS/Galileophase OSB products is better than 0.1 cycles, while that of BDS is slightly lower. The daily average standard deviations (STD) for GPS/Galileo/BDS systems is 0.085, 0.117, and 0.228 cycles, respectively. After applying OSB corrections, the residual ambiguity for wide-lane (WL) and narrow-lane (NL) of GPS/Galileo/BDS satellites is small, with percentages within ±0.25 cycles as follows: 92.4%, 95.9%, 86.6% for WL, and 88.4%, 91.5%, 87.4% for NL, which satisfies the requirements for ambiguity fixing in PPP. The real-time PPP-AR positioning accuracy using OSB products from CNES is validated with MultiGNSS Experiment (MGEX) observations. The results show that RT PPP-AR using real-time OSB products from CNES can achieve centimeter-level positioning accuracy in dynamic mode. The positioning errors in the east, north, and up directions for GPS+Galileo+BDS RT PPP-AR are 1.16 cm, 0.95 cm, and 2.78 cm, respectively. Compared to float PPP results without OSB correction, RT PPP-AR significantly reduces the convergence time by more than 40%. Conclusion: Ambiguity resolution can be achieved under BDS single system based on real-time OSB products from CNES. And the positioning accuracy is significantly improved compared to float solution, while the fixing rate is around 94%.
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