
Advancements in Earthquake Cycle Deformation Research Based on Geodetic Observations

  • 摘要: 解析地震周期各阶段(震间、同震和震后)形变响应模型是研究地震从孕育、成核、破裂到震后调整整个过程动力学机制和探究区域壳幔流变属性的基础,在地震预测预报、防震减灾和危险性评定等方面发挥着重要作用。首先针对地震的震间形变、同震形变和震后形变的研究现状及进展进行了综述分析,指出了地震形变主流研究方法和模型的特点、不足和使用范围;然后讨论分析了地震周期形变模拟方法在现今数据快速积累情况下的机遇与挑战;最后对地震周期形变研究未来发展方向进行了展望。


    Abstract: The deformation response models of earthquake cycle play a crucial role in studying the entire dynamic process of earthquakes, from inception, nucleation and rupture, to postseismic adjustments, as well as in exploring the rheological properties of Earth's crust and mantle. They have significant implications in earthquake prediction, forecasting, seismic hazard mitigation and risk assessment. First, this paper introduces the characteristics of deformation during the interseismic phase of the earthquake cycle. It categorizes and summarizes the corresponding models from the perspectives of dimensionality and elastic-viscoelastic models, and it elaborates on the characteristics, limitations and historical evolution of simulation methods for coseismic deformation, with a particular focus on mainstream approaches for determining the geometry of coseismic faults and selecting smoothing schemes. Then, this paper discusses the spatiotemporal evolution features of postseismic deformation, and categorizes them according to deformation mechanisms, including poroelastic rebound, viscoelastic relaxation and postseismic afterslip. It also outlines the characteristics and limitations of simulation methods for deformation phenomena and provides a classification summary of current mainstream postseismic combined models. Furthermore, this paper explores the opportunities and challenges faced by earthquake cycle deformation simulation methods in the rapidly accumulating data environment. It emphasizes the importance of three-dimensional viscoelastic models, consi-dering the viscoelastic relaxation effects of Earth's crust and mantle. Finally, this paper offers prospects for future research directions, including single-fault earthquake cycle deformation simulation, postseismic mechanisms, dynamic modeling and interpretation of possible earthquake cycle deformation phenomena.


