Estimation and Analysis of Net Ecosystem Carbon Sink Considering the Topographical Correction
摘要: 净生态系统生产力(NEP)是衡量陆地生态系统碳汇的重要指标,使用高分辨率影像并考虑地形效应的影响是精准计算NEP的必然选择,山地地区受地形的影响尤为显著。准确计算陆地碳汇对于区域碳收支及土地利用类型结构调控具有重要作用。本文以湖北省为研究区域,基于CASA及GSMSR模型计算碳汇NEP,并从气象因子地形校正及地表面积校正两方面优化NEP计算结果;对比了地形校正前后NEP的差异;并分析了区域内NEP的时空演变特征,结果表明:(1)地形校正可以有效提升NEP计算的精度,对比全国通量站点数据,绝对误差(MAE)由校正前153.69 gC·m-2·a-1降低为150.73 gC·m-2·a-1,湖北省全年的NEP总量为2121万吨。(2)以往研究结果低估了林地的碳汇量,经过地形校正,林地NEP相比于校正前增加约22%,其次为草地,其他类型用地相比校正前增加较少。(3)地形校正对高海拔和地形起伏较大区域的优化效果较为明显,能够明显改善NEP计算精度。校正后空间自相关趋势有所降低,Moran’s I指数由1.24降为1.18,春秋两季地形校正后重心明显西移。Abstract: Objectives: Net ecosystem productivity (NEP) is a key indicator of carbon sinks in terrestrial ecosystems. To accurately estimate NEP, it is essential to use high-resolution images and account for topographic effects, especially in mountainous areas, which have important implications for regional carbon budget and land use structure. Methods: We calculates NEP based on CASA and GSMSR models for Hubei Province. And then we optimize the results by applying two types of topographic correction: meteorological factor correction and surface area correction. We compare the NEP values before and after correction and analyze their spatiotemporal pattern. Results: The results show that: (1) Topographic correction can effectively improve the accuracy of NEP calculation. Compared with the data of national flux stations, the mean absolute error (MAE) decreased from 153.69 gC·m-2·a-1 before correction to 150.73 gC·m-2·a-1 after correction, and the total NEP of Hubei province was 21.21 million tons. (2) Previous studies underestimated the carbon sequestration of forest land. After topographic correction, the NEP of forest land increased by about 22% compared to before correction, followed by grassland, while other land use types showed less increase after topographic correction. (3) The topographic correction significantly improves the accuracy of NEP in areas with high altitude and large terrain variations. The spatial autocorrelation trend also decreases after correction, as indicated by the reduction of Moran’s I index from 1.24 to 1.18. Moreover, the topographic correction causes a noticeable westward shift of the center of gravity in spring and autumn. Conclusions: Compared with before topographic correction, the NEP results after correction have higher accuracy, and the carbon sink distribution of different land use types also differs. But because the influence of terrain on carbon sink estimation is reflected in multiple aspects. Hence, in future work, we will continue to explore the influence of topography on vegetation factors, meteorology, and remote sensing images, to improve the simulation accuracy of the model.
- CASA /
- NEP /
- topographic correction /
- Hubei Province /
- carbon sink
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