Accurate Interpretation of Four-Dimensional Characteristics of RedBed Rock Landslide by Comprehensive Remote Sensing — Taking Kualiangzi Landslide as an Example
摘要: 针对红层滑坡隐蔽性强、突发性高、成因机理复杂等特点,人工地面调查或单一遥感手段难以实现滑坡的精准解译。以垮梁子特大型红层岩质滑坡为例,采用机载激光雷达(Light Detection and Ranging,LiDAR)、光学遥感、合成孔径雷达干涉测量(Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar,InSAR)综合遥感技术,对滑坡标志三维空间形态、滑坡水平方向及沿雷达视线方向时空变形演化规律的综合四维特征展开精准解译。结果表明,LiDAR成果解译出滑坡边界与裂缝33条,鼓丘5处、垮塌3处;多时相光学影像数据结合高分辨率数字高程模型山体阴影图,进行捕捉典型特征点变形位移,解译了研究区53年内时空演化规律,最大水平位移量为40 m,位于滑坡中部;小基线集、干涉图堆叠时序InSAR技术破译滑坡中部近年来持续抬升,最大抬升速率为55 mm/a;研究成果可实现对红层岩质滑坡四维特征的精准解译,为红层地区滑坡灾害识别与防治提供指导。Abstract: Objectives: Due to the characteristics of red-bed landslide, such as strong concealment, high suddenness and complex formation mechanism, it is difficult to accurately interpret the landslide by artificial ground survey or single remote sensing method. Methods: Taking Kualiangzi super-large red-bed rock landslide as an example, light detection and ranging (LiDAR), optical remote sensing and Interferometric synthetic aperture radar(InSAR) comprehensive remote sensing technologies are used to accurately interpret the comprehensive four-dimensional characteristics of the three-dimensional spatial form of landslide signs, the horizontal direction of landslide and the spatiotemporal deformation evolution law in the line of sight direction. Results: LiDAR results have interpreted 33 landslide boundaries and cracks, 5 drums and 3 collapses. Multi-temporal optical image data were combined with high-resolution digital elevation model hillshade map to capture the deformation and displacement of typical feature points, and interpret the spatiotemporal evolution law of the study area in 53 years. The maximum horizontal displacement is 40 m, which is located in the middle of the landslide. The InSAR technique of small baseline subsets and interferometer Stacking shows that the central part of the landslide has been continuously uplifted in recent years, and the maximum uplifting rate is 55 mm/a. Conclusions: The research results can accurately interpret the fourdimensional characteristics of red-bed rock landslide, and provide guidance for the identification and prevention of landslide disasters in red-bed areas.
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