Analysis of the evolution characteristics and driving factors of the three-dimensional morphology of the city space: A case study of Wuhan Main Urban Area
摘要: 分析城市三维空间扩张演进特征,掌握其背后驱动影响因素,有助于从根源上解决大型城市高速扩张带来的城市问题。现有三维空间下的城市扩张类研究,存在没有将水平与垂直尺度扩张特征剥离的问题。为弥补此不足,本研究将在使用传统指标,解构武汉市主城区三维空间形态演进特征的基础上,改进VHG指数,判定分析城市扩张主导类型与幅度,并根据相应结果,使用随机森林模型,分析识别三维空间扩张主要驱动因素。所得结论包括: 2000年至2018年间,(1)城市三维空间扩张特征明显,大量居住类型建筑的兴建是该现状的直接诱因;(2)改进后的VHG指数显示,城市垂直尺度扩张幅度远大于水平尺度扩张幅度;(3)地铁站与火车站作为城市内与城市对外交通枢纽,对城市垂直尺度扩张有较强的驱动作用。Abstract: Objectives: To analyze the evolution of Wuhan's three-dimensional urban space and identify its driving factors to help solve urban problems caused by rapid expansion. Methods: The traditional architectural landscape indicators were used to analyze the general three-dimensional space structure of Wuhan from 2000 to 2018. An improved VHG ratio was then introduced to more accurately detect whether horizontal or vertical scale expansion occurred during the corresponding year interval. Finally, we employed a random forest model to construct a nonlinear model to identify the driving factors that have led to the current status of the city's three-dimensional space. Results: From 2000 to 2018, traditional architecture landscape indicators show that the city of Wuhan underwent an expansion in the three-dimensional city space features, and the construction of a large number of residential buildings is the direct cause of this situation. The improved VHG ratio indicates that the main urban area of Wuhan underwent significant vertical space expansion. In addition, our study reveals that subway and railway stations have played a significant role in driving the vertical scale expansion of the city's three-dimensional space. Conclusions: Our research successfully identified the evolution characteristics of the three-dimensional morphology of urban space in Wuhan and the driving factors behind it. The methods we used in this study, including traditional architectural landscape indicators, improved VHG ratio, and random forest model, can be applied to other cities to provide insights into their three-dimensional urban space evolution.
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