
Cartography: From Digital to Intelligent

  • 摘要: 首先论述了地图学家和地图制图工程师们是怎样通过数据、大数据、时空大数据来改变自己的思维方式和工作方式, 并由此推动地图科学进入以“数据密集型计算”为特征的“第四科学范式”新时代;接着, 通过国家基础测绘地图产品(4D)数字化转型成果的功能和作用及其特性(一览性、解析性、知识性、基础性、表示内容的广泛性、表示对象的外拓性和时序性等)分析、非国家基础测绘地图产品的多样化和个性化进展、地图集“设计→编绘→出版”一体化数字化转型及2021年出版的有代表性地图集的介绍和特色分析, 认为地图(集)“设计→编绘→出版”全过程数字化转型取得了标志性成果;第三, 以地图制图综合“百年国际难题”的智能化突破、地图(集)“设计→编绘→出版”全过程由数字化到智能化的优化升级的深化研究为例, 总结了人工智能时代地图制图综合研究四个演进过程、难点和关键技术的突破, 深入分析了地图(集)“设计→编绘→生产”全过程由数字化到智能化的研究现状和需要进一步研究的问题。


    Abstract: Firstly, this paper discusses the change in the way of thinking and working of the cartographers and cartographic engineering through data, big data and space-time big data, which promotes cartography to enter a new era of the "fourth scientific paradigm" characterized by "data-intensive computing". Secondly, this paper analyzes the functions and features of the digital transformation results of 4D products, and the progress in diversification and individuation of the map products, and the "design - compilation-publication" integrated digital transformation of mapping, and the feature of the representative atlases published in 2021. Finally, by giving two specific examples, i.e., the intellectualization of map generalization and digital mapping, this paper reviews four evolutionary stages of map generalization in the era of artificial intelligence and summarizes the difficulties and breakthroughs in key technologies, and provides a profound conclusion of the research status and the issues to be further explored in the domain.


