
丁俊杰, 周建彬, 贲进, 黄心海, 梁启爽, 卢雪

丁俊杰, 周建彬, 贲进, 黄心海, 梁启爽, 卢雪. 六边形全球离散格网海洋等深线生成算法[J]. 武汉大学学报 ( 信息科学版). DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20220738
引用本文: 丁俊杰, 周建彬, 贲进, 黄心海, 梁启爽, 卢雪. 六边形全球离散格网海洋等深线生成算法[J]. 武汉大学学报 ( 信息科学版). DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20220738
DING Junjie, ZHOU Jianbin, BEN Jin, HUANG Xinhai, LIANG Qishuang, LU Xue. The Ocean Depth Contour Generating Algorithm for Hexagonal Discrete Global Grids[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20220738
Citation: DING Junjie, ZHOU Jianbin, BEN Jin, HUANG Xinhai, LIANG Qishuang, LU Xue. The Ocean Depth Contour Generating Algorithm for Hexagonal Discrete Global Grids[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20220738








The Ocean Depth Contour Generating Algorithm for Hexagonal Discrete Global Grids

  • 摘要: 等深线生成是海洋数据处理的重要环节。传统算法在投影面构建规则格网再追踪计算,由于海域空间覆盖范围通常较大,通常需分幅处理,由此导致图幅拼接较复杂;若直接由水深数据构建不规则三角网,算法复杂且效率较低,不适用于大区域、大数据量处理。全球离散格网系统是空间基准一致、无缝覆盖全球的多分辨率格网,从结构上支持广域地球空间数据处理与分析。本文提出利用六边形全球离散格网生成等深线的算法,首先将水深数据量化到全球离散格网,然后利用两格网顶点直接在球面大圆弧上内插等深线折点,并采用顶点符号法处理等深线交叉的格网。实验结果表明,相同条件下本文算法相较于平面六边形格网上的同类算法,不仅生成的等深线精度更高,而且在不同纬度地区的等深线精度差异更小。
    Abstract: Objectives: Depth contour is one of the key factors in the expression of submarine geomorphology. With the increasingly urgent need of exploring the ocean, how to quickly and accurately generate the depth contour of a large area has become an urgent problem to be solved. The traditional ocean depth contour generation algorithm converts the data to the plane, then building regular grids for tracking processing. The expansion of the ocean area needs to be processed by framing, and the map splicing is complex, especially in the high latitude areas where the projection deformation is large; Or the triangulated irregular network can be directly constructed for the original data, but the algorithm is complex and too slow, which is not suitable for large area and large data processing. Methods: The discrete global grid system is a multi-resolution grid with consistent spatial datum and seamless global coverage. It supports the processing and analysis of wide area geospatial data structurally, of which polyhedral grid are most commonly used. In the polyhedral grid, the icosahedral hexagonal discrete grid has a more uniform global distribution, and its geometric properties are more ideal than others. The hexagonal global discrete grid system is applied to the generation of depth contour. Firstly, the original data are sampled to the hexagonal grid with appropriate resolution, when the depth contour are traced using the hexagonal grid and the grid crossed by the depth contour is processed using the hexagonal vertex symbol method. Two vertices of a grid are interpolated on the spherical arc. Finally, the depth contour generated by ArcGIS are used as the reference depth contour with the original data, and the hexagonal discrete global grid and the plane hexagonal grid with the same resolution are respectively constructed. Results: From this, two sets of experimental groups of depth contour are generated, where the average and standard deviation of the spherical distance of the offset reference depth contour are used as the quality evaluation indicators. The comparison results show that, under the same resolution, each quality evaluation index of the hexagon global discrete grid depth contour is better than the plane hexagon grid depth contour, and it is visually close to the reference depth contour, and the degree of deviation of the depth contour at different latitudes is uniform. Conclusions: This algorithm can uniformly process global ocean areas without considering the problem of depth contour joining caused by map mosaic. What’s more, we verify the accuracy advantage of it compared to traditional planar grid depth contour generation algorithms.
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