
Concept of Constructing the Underwater PNT Network with the Abilities of Communication, Navigation and Remote Sensing in the Deep Sea

  • 摘要: 从海底控制网设计、布设、测量、数据处理和海洋声速场构建几个方面介绍了海底控制网建设的现状。结合国家海洋战略需求和海洋大地测量技术发展,分析了现阶段海底控制网建设面临的问题:认为目前的海底网规模小,缺乏信息共享,功能单一;设计与布设原则未与控制网等级关联,多为定性描述,缺乏操作性;声速场精度和分辨率偏低;测量和数据处理仅考虑了海底控制点的定位问题,难以满足大区域、高精度海洋PNT(positioning, navigation, and timing)基准网建设需求。据此,利用海洋声道的远程通讯和测距定位能力,提出了建设联合北斗/GNSS(global navigation satellite system)定位和通信导航功能的通导遥一体化深远海PNT基准及服务网络的构想,针对该网络的功能和布放设计、高精度、高分辨率海洋声速场模型的构建、各类PNT基准点的测量和整体网平差处理、海底PNT基准点的自校准和自维护、覆盖水域的位置增强服务、目标和环境的遥测和感知服务等几个关键技术问题,提出了实施方法和设想,以期解决当前海洋控制网大区域建设面临的缺乏通讯、布网原则和测量方法不完善、功能单一等问题,为新一代高性能海洋大地测量及PNT导航定位服务网络的建设提供支撑。认为随着长距离布网优化设计、增强位置服务、精确授时和时间同步、远程通讯及网络功能的拓展和应用服务等难题的突破,所构想的网络体系必将引起海洋PNT建设的一次变革。


    Abstract: This paper introduces the current situation of constructing the seafloor geodetic network from design, layout, measurement, and data processing. Based on the requirements of national ocean strategy and the development of marine geodetic technology, the problems of the construction of seafloor geodetic networks at the present stage are analyzed. According to the results, it can be concluded the coverage of the current seafloor geodetic network is limited, and the information sharing is insufficient. In addition, the design and layout principles are not combined with the positioning precision of the network, which are mostly qualitative descriptions and lack operability. The accuracy and resolution of the sound velocity field are low and the measurement and data processing are difficult to meet the requirements of large-scale and high-precision underwater PNT (positioning, navigation and timing) network construction. To solve the mentioned problems, the concept of constructing the underwater PNT network with remote communication, information interconnection and telemetry is put forward. Several key technologies, including the design and layout of the underwater PNT network, the construction of the ocean sound velocity field with high precision and high resolution, the measurement strategy, data processing method and the thought of self-calibration and self-maintenance for underwater control points, the function of target and environment telemetry and sensing services, are discussed to provide support for the new generation of high-performance marine geodetic survey and the construction of underwater PNT network. It is believed that the proposed network system will lead to a revolution in underwater PNT construction when problems such as the optimal design of the large-scale network, enhancing positioning service, the accurate timing and time synchronization, remote communication and the extension of the application are broken through.


