
Co-seismic Deformation Analysis of Qinghai Maduo Ms7.4 Earthquake Based on Optical Remote Sensing and SAR Images

  • 摘要: 2021年5月22日青海省果洛藏族自治州玛多县发生Ms7.4级地震,作为近年来少有的发生在巴颜喀拉块体内部的强震,研究其同震形变场特征是十分必要的。本文收集了玛多地震前后Sentinel-2和Landsat8影像,利用光学像素偏移量跟踪技术获得了该地震东西向和南北向形变;基于地震前后Sentinel-1升降轨影像,利用InSAR(Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar)技术获取了该地震升降轨雷达视线向(Line of Sight,LOS)形变,利用SAR像素偏移量跟踪技术获得该地震距离向和方位向形变,联合解算得到其三维同震形变场,最后对提取的同震形变场结果进行对比交叉验证。结果表明:此次玛多地震为左旋走滑型地震,同震形变以东西向水平运动为主,发震断裂为江错断裂。基于光学遥感影像,得到该地震东西向和南北向形变大约集中在-1.60m~1.60m和-0.60m~0.60m;基于SAR影像,得到升轨最大LOS向抬升和沉降量约为1.29m和-1.12m,降轨最大LOS向抬升和沉降量约为1.15m和-1.26m;解算的三维同震形变场中,东西向形变约为-2.00m~1.70m,南北向形变主要集中-1.00m~0.50m,垂直向上沿断裂带两侧呈升降交替运动,形变约在-0.30m~0.30m之间。地震北侧形变量级相较于南侧更大,得到的地表破裂带长约176km,在东南末端(34.48° N,99.04° E)和西北末端(34.76°N,97.61° E),以及西段鄂陵湖南侧(34.74° N,97.75° E)存在分支破裂。基于光学遥感和SAR影像提取的玛多地震同震形变场具有一致特征,且多平台、多技术为获取该地震完整同震形变场补充了更多地表破裂带分支等特征,该研究为光学遥感和SAR影像在地震同震形变监测中的应用提供一些参考。


    Abstract: objectives: The Ms7.4 earthquake occurred in Maduo, Qinghai Province on May 22, 2021, which is a rare powerful earthquake that occurred in Bayan Har block in recent years, it is essential to study the characteristics of its co-seismic deformation field. Method: Based on sentinel-2 and Landsat8 images before and after Maduo earthquake, East-West and South-North two-dimensional co-seismic deformation fields were obtained by optical Pixel Offset Tracking. InSAR was utilized to obtain LOS co-seismic deformation based on Sentinel-1 ascending and descending images, and SAR Pixel Offset Tracking was utilized to obtain range and azimuth directions co-seismic deformation of the earthquake, meanwhile, 3D co-seismic deformation field of this earthquake is calculated, moreover, the results of co-seismic deformation field extracted are compared and verified. Results: The experimental results show that: co-seismic deformation field characteristics of Maduo earthquake based on optical and SAR images are great consistent. Maduo earthquake is a typical left-lateral strike-slip event, the co-seismic deformation is dominated by East-West horizontal movements, and the seismogenic fault is Jiangcuo fault. Based on optical images, it is obtained that East-West and North-South deformation of the earthquake are about ±1.60m and ±0.60m. Based on SAR images, the maximum LOS uplift and subsidence of ascending are about 1.29m and -1.12m, and descending are about 1.15m and -1.26m. In the 3D co-seismic deformation field, the East-West deformation is about -2.00m to 1.70m, North-South deformation is mainly concentrated in -1.00m to 0.50m, and it moves alternately up and down along both sides of the fault zone in Vertical direction, the deformation is about ±0.3m. The magnitude of deformation values on north side of the earthquake is larger than that on south side. Branch ruptures are shown at the end of the Southeast(34.48° N, 99.04° E) and Northwest(34.76° N, 97.61° E) of the surface rupture, and South side of Eling Lake (34.74° N, 97.75° E), and aftershock sequence is distributed near these branch ruptures. Conclusion: InSAR and Pixel Offset Tracking technology complement each other, which provides an effective way to obtain the complete co-seismic deformation field, and multi-platform, high-resolution optical and SAR images provide important datasets.


