
Scientific Concept and Representation Framework of Maps in the ICT Era

  • 摘要: 地图学是一门在历史条件限定下不断成长的科学。相较于传统地图, 在新技术与新需求的双重驱动下, 信息时代地图的表达对象、表现形式、感知通道、用户角色等均发生了重大转变, 地图的科学概念及理论框架亟需进一步拓展, 以适应新时期地图学科的发展需求。首先, 分析了信息时代地图的泛化特征;然后, 讨论了新情势下地图的科学概念及其表示范围;最后, 基于表达对象、信息抽象、地图表达、地图结果, 构建了地图的表达框架。旨在适应地图学发展的时代潮流, 明确学科研究的外延边界及内涵表示, 为当前与未来的地图学发展提供相应支撑。


    Abstract: Cartography is a subject whose development was partially restricted due to historical conditions. Compared with the traditional map, driven by new technology and new demands, the mapping objects, representation form, perception channel and user role of maps have all undergone significant changes in the information and communication technology (ICT) era. Therefore, the theoretical framework of cartography needs to be further adapted to the ICT era. This paper firstly analyzes the main characteristics of maps in the ICT era, then discusses the concepts and the scope of representation of modern maps in the new era, and finally tries to build the framework of modern maps including the representation object, information abstraction, map representation and map outcomes. This study is expected to clarify the boundary of extended connotation of cartography research and provide corresponding support for the future development of cartography.


