
Kinematic Precise Orbit Determination of Sentinel-6A Satellite with Spaceborne GPS/Galileo Observations

  • 摘要: 哨兵(Sentinel)-6A 海洋测高卫星搭载了GPS/Galileo双模接收机,为研究基于全球导航卫星系统多星座的低轨卫星精密定轨提供了契机。固定载波相位模糊度可提升低轨卫星的定轨精度,利用在轨实测数据研究GPS/Galileo双系统组合以及模糊度固定对低轨卫星运动学定轨精度的影响。分别采用欧洲定轨中心(Center for Orbit Determination in Europe, CODE)、法国国家空间研究中心(Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, CNES)、德国地学研究中心(German Research Centre for Geosciences, GFZ)和中国武汉大学 (Wuhan University, WHU)发布的观测值偏差及对应的精密星历和钟差产品开展单接收机模糊度固定。结果表明:GPS/Galileo双系统组合可明显改善定轨几何构型。双系统组合浮点解轨道三维精度优于30 mm,相对于GPS单系统提升超过20%。模糊度固定显著提升了运动学定轨精度,组合固定解轨道精度优于20 mm,相对于GPS提升30%。基于CODE、CNES和GFZ产品的GPS和Galileo单系统模糊度固定率分别优于93%和95%,WHU产品的Galileo固定率则偏低。利用卫星激光测距(satellite laser ranging,SLR)观测数据对运动学定轨结果进行检核,单系统固定解轨道SLR残差均方根误差(root mean square, RMS)为13~15 mm,双系统组合固定解RMS则达到12~14 mm,提升超过10%。


    Objectives The Sentinel-6A spacecraft is equipped with a GPS/Galileo dual-constellation global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver which provides an opportunity to investigate the precise orbit determination (POD) accuracy of low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites based on multi-GNSS. Ambiguity resolution plays an important role in GNSS-based precise positioning and orbit determination. The single receiver ambiguity resolution is explored and the GPS/Galileo measurements are combined to further improve the kinematic orbit determination accuracy.
    Methods Observation specific bias (OSB) product is employed to calibrate the satellite dependent phase delay, and single difference (SD) observation between GNSS satellites is applied to remove the phase delay of receiver. Combined with the related GNSS precise orbit and clock products, the wide lane and narrow lane ambiguities are fixed to integers. Then the SD ionosphere free (IF) ambiguities are recovered with the fixed ambiguities and are taken as pseudo observations to constrain the undifferenced IF ambiguities. The effect of GPS/Galileo combination and ambiguity resolution on kinematic orbit determination is analyzed with Sentinel-6A onboard data. GNSS products provided by the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE), Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) and Wuhan University (WHU) are used for single receiver ambiguity resolution and POD. Different kinematic orbits including GPS‑only, Galileo‑only and GPS/Galileo combined solutions are generated. The reduced dynamic orbits with ambiguity resolution are also calculated to assess the accuracy of kinematic orbits.
    Results Results show that the visible satellites and position dilution of precision are significantly improved in dual-GNSS solution. The three dimensional (3D) accuracy of the dual-constellation kinematic orbit with float ambiguity achieves 30 mm and shows an improvement of 20% when comparing with the GPS-only result. Fixing the ambiguity to integer significantly improves the POD accuracy. The 3D accuracy of the GPS/Galileo ambiguity fixed orbit is 20 mm, which is 30% better than that of the GPS-only result. With the products of CODE, CNES and GFZ, more than 93% of the GPS and 95% of the Galileo ambiguities are successfully fixed and is further improved to 97% in the case of dual-GNSS solution. The ambiguity fixing rate shows degraded performance when using the WHU product. Independent satellite laser ranging (SLR) observations are used to validate the kinematic orbits. The root mean square (RMS) of SLR residuals of GPS-only solution with fixed ambiguity is 13-15 mm while it is 12-14 mm for the orbits derived with dual-constellation observations and an average improvement of 10% is achieved by introducing the Galileo data.
    Conclusions Fixing the ambiguity to integers improves the accuracy and stability of POD results. Compared with the GPS-only solution, GPS/Galileo combined solution improves the ambiguity fixing rate which then leads to an improvement of kinematic orbit determination accuracy.


