
Transit Oriented Development: A Review

  • 摘要: 作为一种试图协调公共交通和土地利用良性互动的城市开发模式,公共交通导向发展(transit-oriented development, TOD)强调以公共交通站点为导向进行城市土地利用的高密度开发,得到了世界上诸多国家的认可和成功实践,并逐渐成为中国国土空间治理的一项重要政策工具。为了满足TOD本土化应用与实践,亟需深入梳理TOD相关理论及研究案例。秉承理论和数据分析双向驱动的理念,从理论内涵、类型划分、综合效应测度、系统优化等4个方面入手,系统回顾了TOD国内外的相关研究进展,总结了TOD研究面临的理论与方法挑战,形成了对中国国土空间治理的启示,以期为制定科学有效的TOD规划策略提供参考。


    Abstract: Emerging as an urban development mode that attempts to effectively promote the sustainable feedback between land use and transport, transit oriented development (TOD) emphasizes the land use development surrounding the public transit node. Many cases across the world have showed the success of TOD and TOD has been adopted as a policy tool for China?s territorial spatial governance. It requires a literature review to inform the application and practice of TOD in China. From a dual perspective of theory and methodology, this paper systematically reviewed related studies of TOD from four aspects, namely the TOD conceptualization, the typology, the consequences and the optimization. Based on the review, challenges both in theory and in methodology were summarized and implications for China?s territorial spatial governance were discussed, in order to provide references for formulating efficient TOD planning and strategies.


