
Onboard Ultra-Stable Oscillator Long-Term Drift Calibration for Tianwen-1 Mission

  • 摘要: 星载超稳晶体振荡器(ultra-stable oscillator,USO)为发射机提供频率源,其稳定性直接影响单程多普勒测量精度,利用单程多普勒数据开展定轨计算需一并解算下行频率与标称频率的偏差。推导了单程多普勒观测模型及观测偏导数,分析了影响测量精度的主要误差源;对天问一号单程多普勒数据进行处理,在轨道解算的同时估计了频率偏差,并构建了USO长期漂移预报模型;给出了下行频率解算精度的影响因素,理论分析了频率解算精度。结果表明,天问一号星载USO长期漂移率为0.075 75±0.006 20 Hz/d。因此,所提星载USO 漂移标定方法构建了天问一号星载USO下行频率的先验模型。


    Objectives The stability of ultra-stable oscillator (USO) which provides frequency standard and transmits downlink signal affects the accuracy of one-way Doppler measurements directly. It is a necessity to estimate the frequency bias during orbit determination with one-way Doppler measurements.
    Methods First, the one-way Doppler observation model and observation partial derivative are deduced theoretically, and the main error sources affecting the accuracy are analyzed. Then, the frequency deviation is estimated and the USO long-term drift prediction model is constructed during the execution of Tianwen-1 precise orbit determination using the one-way Doppler measurements. Finally, the accuracy of frequency bias resolution is analyzed theoretically based on its key factors.
    Results The USO drift rate is 0.075 75±0.006 20 Hz/d.
    Conclusions This paper provides a feasible frequency drift calibration method for space-borne USO, and it constructs a priori frequency model for space-borne USO of Tianwen-1.


