
Few-Shot Prediction of Landslide Susceptibility Based on Meta-Learning Paradigm

  • 摘要: 滑坡灾害是当前制约中国西部山区重大基础设施建设的最重要因素之一。如何可靠开展广域范围滑坡敏感性预测,一直是国内外研究的难点。现有以深度学习为代表的数据驱动广域复杂环境敏感性分析方法仍面临两大挑战:(1)广域范围滑坡孕灾环境的差异性:单一模型难以可靠预测(解释)不同孕灾环境滑坡易发性;(2)小样本问题:中国西南山区滑坡隐蔽性强,探测成本高昂,样本数据少。针对以上问题,以中国重庆市綦江、涪陵区为例,采用分块预测策略,元学习一种泛化性强的适于滑坡敏感性小样本预测的中间表征,通过局部区域中极少的样本和反向传播梯度迭代次数,将模型快速适应于当前局部区域滑坡敏感性预测任务,从而解决广域范围滑坡孕灾环境差异问题与小样本问题。区别于支持向量机、多层感知机、随机森林等传统方法需要大量样本及梯度迭代训练监督模型,所提方法仅需要小样本微调中间模型,就使滑坡敏感图预测精度提升1%~5%,准确度提升1%~3%,F1分数提升0.5%~6%,召回率接近其他方法最高水平。


    Objectives The landslides disaster is one of the most important factors for the construction of major infrastructure in the western China. How to effectively and reliably carry out wide-area landslide susceptibility prediction has always been a frontier difficulty in domestic and foreign studies. However, the present data-driven methods for prediction of landslide susceptibility in large-scale and complex scenarios still face two major issues:(1) The difference between various landslide inducing environments in a wide range of scenarios, would cause the difficulty to applying a single model to account for multiple landslide phenomenon;(2) small sample problem: Complex environmental tasks require models with large capacity and strong representative power, but there is a lack of sufficient landslide samples in practice.
    Methods In response to the above problems, this paper takes Qijiang and Fuling District of Chongqing City, China as an example, proposes a local prediction strategy, and introduces the idea of meta-training an intermediate representation suited to be generalized, that can be adapted to the landslide sensitivity prediction task cor-responding to the current local area, with only a very small number of samples in the local area, and number of iterations. Thus, the two issues mentioned can be well settled.
    Results The proposed method is different from traditional methods such as support vector machines, multilayer perceptrons, and random forests, which require a large number of samples and gradient iterations to train the supervised model. Instead, only a small sample is required to fine-tune the intermediate model, which still improves the global accuracy by 1%-5%, the precision by 1%-3%, the F1-score by 0.5%-6%, and the recall rate is close to the highest level of other methods.
    Conclusions The meta-learning paradigm enables few-shot adaptation of landslide susceptibility prediction model with superior statistical performance.


