
Unified Urban Governance Models

  • 摘要: 城市的高速发展对城市治理能力和治理体系提出了更高的要求,基于一网统管的市域治理现代化是城市安全稳定的底线、城市综合实力的体现和城市运行效率的保障。市域治理现代化在打通城市各部门数据的基础上,进一步联通各部门的业务系统,使得指令可以在不同部门之间流转,完成对事件的高效、协同处置。同时,设立市域治理指挥中心实体机构,将城管、综合治理、12345等相关部门与之一体化运行,通过机制创新和技术创新双轮驱动,创造以下4大价值:分析研判辅助决策、监测预警防范风险、联动指挥行政问效、基层治理共建共享。城市治理一网统管以城市状态一网感知和城市数据一网共享为基础,以大、中、小3屏联动为信息流转方式,以数字孪生为虚实映射的桥梁和人机交互的界面,让各部门高效协同、各层级行动一致、各事件闭环处置,确保城市的安全、稳定和发展,为全面提升国家治理体系和治理能力现代化做好承上启下的支撑。


    Abstract: The rapid progress of urbanization calls for advanced urban governance models which can improve public safeties and the operational efficiency of a city. Based on urban sensing technology and urban big data platforms, the unified urban governance models connect different systems in different government departments so that the instructions from one department can be directed to other departments. As a result, different government departments can work together to solve a problem which cannot be handled by an individual department. In addition, the unified urban governance models leverage digital twins techniques to bridge the gap between the physical world and the virtual world, enabling government officers to solve real urban challenges just like playing a video game.


