Objectives Integrated remote sensing application based on the space-air-ground investigation system has been promoted nationwide and has achieved certain results. However, as the work progresses, some urgent problems have been exposed, such as how to define hidden hazards and what types of them, what are the targeted identification technologies, and what is the focus of the next step, etc.
Methods By summarizing a large number of practical cases, the definition of hidden landslide hazards is further clarified. Potential landslides are divided into three categories: Deformation area, historical deformation failure area and potentially unstable slope, and we propose targeted identification techniques for different types.
Results The deformation zone is mainly identified by combining multi-temporal high resolution optical images and synthetic aperture radar interferometry technology (InSAR), high-resolution optical remote sensing images and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) can be used in the historical deformation and destruction region.
Conclusions Potential unstable slopes are difficult to identify by remote sensing and traditional artificial investigations. It is necessary to vigorously develop aerial and semi-aerial geophysical prospecting technology to identify the underground structure of the slope quickly, especially the spatial distribution of the base-cover interface and the groundwater status, and delineate dangerous areas through quantitative analysis of stability.