Cross comparison of the Gaofen-5 AHSI and VIMI sensors
摘要: 高分五号卫星搭载的对地观测传感器有高光谱传感器(AHSI)和全谱段光谱传感器(VIMI),但这两种传感器之间的光谱信号是否一致迄今仍鲜有报道。因此,本次研究通过敦煌定标场和滕州地区的3对AHSI和VIMI同步影像对,对2种传感器辐亮度数据之间的一致性进行了交互对比,并与同步的Landsat-8 OLI辐亮度数据进行验证。结果发现,2种传感器的辐亮度数据之间存在着一定的偏差,VIMI的辐亮度数据明显小于AHSI,其偏差率接近32%,二者的R2也只有0.817;在各个对应波段之间,红波段的差距最大,其偏差率超过了40%。与Landsat-8 OLI的验证表明,AHSI的辐亮度数据与OLI很接近,偏差率小于5%,但VIMI数据的偏差率则大于20%。鉴于VIMI和AHSI的辐亮度数据存在着差距,在现阶段如需要同时应用二者的数据,建议要对VIMI数据进行转换校正。本次利用敦煌试验区的模型进行的转换结果表明,VIMI辐亮度数据经转换后可大幅缩小与AHSI数据之间的差距,有利于二者的协同使用。Abstract: The Advanced HyperSpectral Imager (AHSI) and the Visual and Infrared Multispectral Imager (VIMI) are the two sensors onboard China's Gaofen-5 remote sensing satellite. These two sensors provide images of different spectral and spatial resolutions. To date, the quantitative relationship between the two sensors' data has not been investigated in detail. To understand the quantitative relationship and the calibration agreement between AHSI and VIMI, date-coincided image pairs of the two sensors from the Dunhuang calibration site as well as the Tengzhou area were used to conduct a cross comparison. The approach was achieved by evaluating the consistency of the at-sensor radiance data between the two sensors. The results were then validated to those of near-simultaneous Landsat-8 OLI sensor. This study finds that the at-sensor radiance data of VIMI is overall lower than that of AHSI, with a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 32% and an R2 of 0.817. Among the corresponding bands, the red band has the greatest difference between the two sensors, with a MAPE of more than 40%. The validation to Landsat-8 OLI shows that AHSI's radiance data is close to that of OLI with a MAPE of less than 5%, while the MAPE of VIMI is more than 20%. Given the differences between VIMI and AHSI radiance data revealed in this study, it is suggested to correct VIMI data if both data need to be used together. The conversion using the model developed in this study based on the Dunhuang site shows that the difference between the VIMI and the AHSI radiance data can be greatly reduced after conversion. A synergistic use of AHSI and calibrated VIMI data can greatly benefit the science community by proving a high-quality observation of the Earth.
- Gaofen-5 satellite /
- AHSI /
- VIMI /
- At-sensor radiance /
- Cross comparison
表 1 同步影像对及其参数
Table 1 Date-Coincident Image Pairs and Parameters
影像对 传感器 轨道号 日期 时间 太阳天顶角/(°) 太阳方位角/(°) 试验区特征 敦煌1 Landsat-8 OLI 138/032 2019-11-14 12:26 60.31 162.57 裸土为主 GF-5 AHSI 356/621 14:41 60.61 199.39 GF-5 VIMI 14:41 60.56 199.40 敦煌2 GF-5 AHSI 354/621 2019-07-14 14:38 22.30 214.35 裸土为主,兼有植被和少量建筑物 GF-5 VIMI 14:38 21.45 214.43 滕州 Landsat-8 OLI 122/036 2019-05-22 10:48 23.04 123.05 植被为主,兼有建筑物和少量水体 GF-5 AHSI 310/611 13:13 20.82 179.80 GF-5 VIMI 13:13 20.78 179.80 表 2 GF-5 VIMI、GF-5 AHSI和Landsat-8 OLI对应波段的信息
Table 2 Specifications of Corresponding Bands of GF-5 VIMI, GF-5 AHSI, and Landsat-8 OLI
波段名 GF-5 VIMI GF-5 AHSI Landsat-8 OLI 波段号 波长范围/nm 波段号 波长范围/nm 波段号 波长范围/nm 蓝 B1 440~510 B13~B28 439~508 B2 452~512 绿 B2 510~580 B29~B45 508~581 B3 533~590 红 B3 620~680 B55~B68 619~679 B4 636~673 近红外 B4 760~870 B88~B113 760~871 B5 851~879 中红外1 B5 1 540~1 700 B215~B233 1 541~1 700 B6 1 566~1 651 中红外2 B6 2 060~2 350 B277~B310 2 062~2 349 B7 2 107~2 294 表 3 AHSI和VIMI对应波段的辐亮度数据对比
Table 3 Radiance Data Comparison of Corresponding Bands Between AHSI and VIMI
试验区 波段 GF-5 VIMI GF-5 AHSI R2 ME MAPE/% RMSE 最小值 最大值 均值 标准差 最小值 最大值 均值 标准差 敦煌1 蓝 49.55 71.77 55.37 1.48 58.86 84.62 64.89 1.64 0.751 9.52 17.19 9.55 绿 39.09 61.45 45.03 1.69 52.83 84.40 61.29 2.29 0.807 16.26 36.11 16.29 红 32.12 52.54 38.61 1.96 45.81 78.26 55.77 2.82 0.853 17.16 44.44 17.21 近红外 24.36 42.27 30.23 1.72 29.60 52.69 37.25 2.25 0.900 7.02 23.22 7.06 中红外1 7.28 8.90 8.19 0.34 7.96 13.05 10.65 0.73 0.609 2.46 30.04 2.51 中红外2 2.18 2.82 2.54 0.13 2.53 4.33 3.49 0.27 0.779 0.95 37.40 0.96 敦煌2 蓝 56.27 219.42 98.21 16.17 60.01 239.11 112.74 21.36 0.940 14.53 14.79 15.95 绿 40.01 186.34 81.89 15.61 51.18 192.95 113.05 23.22 0.937 31.16 38.05 32.43 红 24.17 151.71 69.02 16.55 31.15 171.67 103.80 26.90 0.932 34.78 50.39 36.72 近红外 26.55 114.54 66.46 9.86 28.00 159.43 83.94 15.26 0.907 17.48 26.30 20.57 中红外1 10.01 22.11 14.15 1.54 3.35 50.97 19.59 3.39 0.685 5.44 38.45 5.90 中红外2 2.15 10.01 4.10 0.79 0.74 17.30 5.77 1.57 0.762 1.67 40.73 1.92 滕州 蓝 48.56 179.78 67.27 9.50 55.72 211.03 75.16 12.46 0.839 7.89 11.73 9.53 绿 31.19 156.95 51.23 9.32 38.50 191.12 65.22 14.01 0.834 13.99 27.31 15.50 红 17.84 139.57 38.10 11.11 20.53 169.94 50.26 17.64 0.846 12.16 31.92 14.89 近红外 14.56 124.88 65.02 13.21 15.50 167.03 82.64 18.72 0.837 17.62 27.10 19.57 中红外1 5.69 22.12 9.88 1.88 1.19 48.53 13.67 4.02 0.701 3.79 38.36 4.62 中红外2 1.07 11.70 2.36 0.69 0.21 16.78 3.32 1.52 0.787 0.96 40.68 1.36 均值 0.817 11.93 31.90 12.92 注:最小值、最大值、均值、标准差、ME、RMSE的单位均为W·m-2·sr-1·μm-1 表 4 AHSI和VIMI与Landsat-8 OLI的辐亮度数据对比验证
Table 4 Comparison and Validation of Radiance Data of AHSI and VIMI with Landsat-8 OLI
试验区 波段 Landsat-8 OLI GF-5 AHSI GF-5 VIMI 数值范围 均值 数值范围 均值 R2 ME MAPE/% 数值范围 均值 R2 ME MAPE/% 敦煌1 蓝 55.40 ~ 84.21 62.26 58.86 ~ 84.62 64.89 0.70 2.63 4.22 49.55 ~ 71.77 55.38 0.68 -6.88 11.05 绿 49.43 ~ 89.32 59.08 52.83 ~ 84.40 61.29 0.74 2.21 3.74 39.09 ~ 61.45 45.04 0.73 -14.04 23.76 红 45.42 ~ 80.79 56.26 45.81 ~ 78.26 55.77 0.79 -0.49 0.87 32.12 ~ 52.54 38.61 0.77 -17.65 31.37 近红外 29.27 ~ 54.73 37.56 29.60 ~ 52.69 37.25 0.82 -0.31 0.83 24.36 ~ 42.27 30.23 0.83 -7.33 19.52 中红外1 8.46 ~ 15.20 11.64 7.96 ~ 13.05 10.65 0.86 -0.99 8.51 7.28 ~ 8.90 8.19 0.70 -3.45 29.64 中红外2 2.69 ~ 4.94 3.73 2.53 ~ 4.33 3.49 0.88 -0.24 6.43 2.18 ~ 2.82 2.54 0.80 -1.19 31.90 均值 0.80 0.47 4.10 0.75 -8.42 24.54 滕州 蓝 50.49 ~ 217.79 69.59 55.72 ~ 211.03 75.16 0.83 5.57 8.00 48.56 ~ 179.78 67.27 0.88 -2.32 3.33 绿 31.22 ~ 215.24 60.76 38.50 ~ 191.12 65.22 0.83 4.46 7.34 31.19 ~ 156.95 51.23 0.90 -9.53 15.68 红 17.73 ~ 216.22 49.08 20.53 ~ 169.94 50.26 0.84 1.18 2.40 17.84 ~ 139.57 38.10 0.89 -10.98 22.37 近红外 6.92 ~ 181.47 87.47 15.50 ~ 167.03 82.64 0.81 -4.83 5.52 14.56 ~ 124.88 65.02 0.86 -22.45 25.67 中红外1 0.87 ~ 46.82 13.87 1.19 ~ 48.53 13.67 0.85 -0.20 1.44 5.69 ~ 22.12 9.87 0.68 -4.00 28.84 中红外2 0.24 ~ 22.22 3.32 0.21 ~ 16.78 3.32 0.84 0.00 0.00 1.07 ~ 11.70 2.36 0.78 -0.96 28.92 均值 0.83 1.03 4.12 0.83 -8.37 20.80 注:数值范围、均值、ME的单位均为W·m-2·sr-1·μm-1 表 5 VIMI与AHSI辐亮度数据转换方程
Table 5 Equations for the Conversion of VIMI Radiance Data to AHSI Radiance Data
波段 关系方程 蓝 AHSI = 1.243 3VIMI - 9.407 8 绿 AHSI = 1.439 8VIMI - 4.895 6 红 AHSI = 1.564 8VIMI - 4.236 9 近红外 AHSI = 1.465 6VIMI -11.450 0 中红外1 AHSI = 1.827 6VIMI - 6.266 6 中红外2 AHSI = 1.775 4VIMI - 1.517 3 表 6 VIMI辐亮度数据转换前后的精度对比
Table 6 Accuracy Comparison of VIMI Radiance Data Before and After Conversion
波段 滕州试验区 敦煌1试验区 转换前 转换后 转换前 转换后 ME MAPE/% 斜率差 ME MAPE/% 斜率差 ME MAPE/% 斜率差 ME MAPE/% 斜率差 蓝 7.89 11.73 0.129 -0.93 1.25 0.092 9.51 17.18 0.027 5.45 9.17 0.218 绿 13.98 27.29 0.282 3.65 5.30 0.109 16.26 36.10 0.238 1.35 2.25 0.140 红 12.16 31.91 0.353 5.12 9.25 0.136 17.16 44.44 0.343 -0.41 0.73 0.142 近红外 17.62 27.10 0.191 1.20 1.43 0.188 7.01 23.20 0.251 4.39 13.35 0.146 中红外1 3.79 38.37 0.778 -1.89 16.00 0.027 2.46 30.00 0.679 1.95 22.37 0.081 中红外2 0.96 40.93 0.951 -0.66 24.79 0.099 0.94 37.03 0.827 0.49 16.25 0.029 均值 9.40 29.56 0.447 1.08 9.67 0.109 8.89 31.33 0.394 2.20 10.69 0.126 注:ME的单位为W·m-2·sr-1·μm-1;斜率差取图 4回归方程的斜率与1∶1线差值的绝对值 表 7 AHSI和VIMI空间分辨率对辐亮度值的影响
Table 7 Impact of the Resolution Difference Between AHSI and VIMI on Radiance Data
类型 波段 AHSI 30 m分辨率4个像元的辐亮度均值/(W·m-2·sr-1·μm-1) VIMI 20 m分辨率9个像元的辐亮度均值/(W·m-2·sr-1·μm-1) MAPE/% 裸土 绿 122.09 87.46 39.60 红 110.14 72.86 51.17 近红外 70.84 56.76 24.81 均值 101.02 72.36 39.62 植被 绿 57.24 49.25 16.21 红 33.71 28.60 17.86 近红外 133.16 103.21 29.01 均值 74.70 60.36 23.77 -
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