
Reconstruction of Rural Settlement Based on the Characteristics of Livability and Population Flow Network

  • 摘要: 农村居民点空间优化重构是推进乡村振兴的重要内容之一。以中国湖北省鄂州市为研究区,从人的生存生活需求出发,构建宜居性评价指标体系,评估鄂州市宜居性高低;通过网络分析法构建城乡人口流动网络,发现乡村人口流动规律。在此基础上,综合宜居性和人口流动强度的组合特征进行农村居民点空间重构。结果表明:(1)鄂州市整体宜居性较高,其中,生存保障功能差距较小,而生活服务功能和生活提升功能差距较大;(2)人口按照主城区、所属镇、附近优势城镇的优先顺序流动;城镇辐射范围有限,现有的点轴结构不能起到以点带面的作用,亟需发展中心村、一般村、基层村形成完整的乡村结构,带动全域发展;(3)基于乡村宜居性和人口流动强度将居民点划分为搬迁撤并类、城郊融合类和集聚提升类(中心村、一般村和基层村)。该研究可重塑乡村发展核心,完善乡村结构,促进资源优化配置,为人口快速流动区乡村聚落重构提供决策依据。


    Objectives The spatial optimization and reconstruction of rural settlement is one of the important content of promoting rural revitalization. Through livability and population flow analysis, to scientifically reconstruct rural settlement and optimize spatial allocation.
    Methods Starting with the basic needs of life, this paper takes Ezhou City as study area, builds a livability evaluation index system and evaluates the livability level of Ezhou City. We construct rural-urban population flow network through network analysis method and find the pattern of rural population flow, and integrate the combined characteristics of livability and the intensity of population flow to reconstruct rural settlement.
    Results The experimental results show that: (1)Overall, the livability of Ezhou City is relatively high. There is a small gap in survival guarantee function, while there are large gaps in life service function and life improvement function.(2)The population flows according to the priority order of the main urban area, the subordinate towns, and nearby advantageous towns. The radiation range of town is limited, and the existing point-axis structure cannot function well. It is urgent to develop central villages, general villages and basic villages to form a complete rural structure to drive region‐wide development.(3)Based on the livability and the intensity of population flow, rural settlements are divided into the type of relocation and demolition, the type of suburban integration and the type of agglomeration promotion (central village, general village and basic village).
    Conclusions The results facilitate to reshape the core of rural and complete the rural structure to promote the optimal allocation of resources. This paper will provide a decision-making basis for the reconstruction of rural settlement where population flows rapidly.


