Assessment of Position Performance of BDS for Space Application Based on FY-3D Satellite
摘要: 随着北斗三号卫星导航系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System-3,BDS-3)开始向全球提供导航服务,独立使用BDS为在轨运行的卫星提供全球覆盖、全时段的定位服务成为可能。本文结合风云三号D星(FengYun-3D,FY-3D)全球卫星导航系统掩星探测仪(Global Navigation satellite system Occultation Sounder,GNOS)的真实在轨数据对天基BDS的定位性能进行了详细的分析。首先使用BDS真实广播星历计算了在不同轨道高度下的可见卫星数和定位精度因子(Position Dilution of Precision,PDOP),并结合精密星历分析了广播星历的轨道误差、时钟误差及空间信号测距误差(Signal-In-Space Range Error,SISRE)。仿真结果表明,在95%的置信水平下,从地面到2000Km的轨道高度BDS在全球范围内最小可见卫星数为6,最大PDOP小于5,星座可用性已经达到100%,全球平均可见卫星数BDS比GPS高50%以上; BDS广播星历的轨道误差为1.5m,时钟误差为2.4ns,SISRE达到了0.79m,BDS-3的卫星时钟精度已达到GPS相当的水平。然后使用GNOS在轨数据测试了BDS的可见卫星数、信号强度、伪距测量精度、定位精度等,重点对BDS-2卫星的码偏移进行了详细的分析。在轨数据分析表明,只使用BDS-2信号时在服务区域内可实现100%的定位,三维定位精度为5.53米;确认了北斗地球同步轨道、倾斜地球同步轨道、中地球轨道卫星均存在随仰角变化的码偏移,其中北斗地球同步轨道卫星在仰角低于40°时的码偏移是首次直接测量得到;使用BDS双频测量数据获得了836千米轨道高度以上顶部电离层的全球相对分布,电离层对伪距的相对延时在0.6m左右。本文的研究对于BDS的天基应用有重要意义,为天基BDS接收机的设计奠定基础。
- 北斗卫星导航系统 /
- 天基接收机 /
- 定位性能 /
- 全球卫星导航系统掩星探测仪 /
- 风云三号D星
Abstract: As BeiDou Satellite Navigation System-3 (BDS-3) starts to provide service for global users, it is possible to get global-coverage and all-time positioning service for space application using BDS alone. The performance of space-borne BDS positioning is thoroughly analyzed with the in-orbit data of GNSS Occultation Sounder (GNOS) aboard FengYun-3D (FY-3D) satellite. Firstly, the visibility and position dilution of precision (PDOP) of BDS satellites in different LEO orbits are calculated based on real BDS ephemeris, and the orbit and clock error of broadcast ephemeris and Signal-In-Space Range Error (SISRE) are studied. The results show that the global coverage usability from ground to 2000 Km height orbit has already been 100%. The mean visible BDS satellite number across the world is 50% larger than that of GPS. For BDS broadcast ephemeris, the 3-D orbit error is 1.5m and clock error is 2.4ns. SISRE is about 0.79m and the clock accuracy of BDS-3 has reached the same level of GPS. Second, the real visible satellite number, signal strength, precision of pseudo-range and position accuracy are verified with the measurement data of GNOS. The code biases of BDS-2 satellites are focused on. The in-orbit data results show that GNOS in FY-3D could get 100% positioning with BDS-2 signals in service areas, and 3-D position accuracy is 5.53m. All BDS-2 satellites including Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO), Inclined Geosynchronous Orbit and Medium Earth Orbit satellites have code biases. When the elevation is less than 40 degree, the code bias of GEO is firstly measured directly. The total electron content above 836Km LEO orbit is measured using BDS dual-frequency measurements, which can cause relative pseudo-range delay of about 0.6m. The research in this paper is of great significance to the space-based application of BDS and lays the foundation for the design of space-based BDS receivers. -
表 1 BDS和GPS星座设计和建设情况
Table 1 Design and Construction of BDS and GPS
卫星 设计星座 已运行 完成时间 BDS-2 5 GEO
3 MEO2012-12 BDS-3 3 GEO
24 MEO2020-07 GPS 24 MEO 31 MEO 1994-03 表 2 不同轨道高度可见卫星数
Table 2 Number of Visible Satellites in Different Height Orbits
卫星种类 可见卫星数/个 轨道高度300 km 轨道高度800 km 轨道高度2 000 km 轨道高度0 km 最小值 最大值 平均值 最小值 最大值 平均值 最小值 最大值 平均值 最小值 最大值 平均值 BDS-2* 5 15 11.18 5 15 11.09 5 15 10.87 5 15 11.23 BDS-2/BDS-3 6 29 15.02 6 29 14.69 4 29 13.92 6 30 15.22 GPS 6 15 10.54 5 15 10.26 5 15 9.58 6 16 10.71 BDS-2/BDS-3/GPS 12 42 25.56 12 42 24.95 11 40 23.49 12 43 25.92 表 3 不同轨道高度卫星的定位精度因子
Table 3 PDOP in Different Height Orbits
卫星种类 定位精度因子 轨道高度300 km 轨道高度800 km 轨道高度2 000 km 轨道高度0 km 最小值 最大值 平均值 最小值 最大值 平均值 最小值 最大值 平均值 最小值 最大值 平均值 BDS-2* 1.12 7.33 2.35 1.21 7.54 2.39 1.23 7.78 2.52 1.12 7.33 2.32 BDS-2/BDS-3 0.81 3.38 1.47 0.81 6.15 1.53 0.87 27.14 1.66 0.79 3.11 1.44 GPS 1.09 5.09 1.67 1.10 7.88 1.74 1.17 7.96 1.93 1.05 4.64 1.63 BDS-2/BDS-3/GPS 0.66 1.82 1.02 0.68 2.02 1.05 0.71 2.36 1.15 0.65 1.82 1.00 表 4 不同类型卫星广播星历误差
Table 4 Accuracy of Broadcast Ephemeris of Different Style Satellites
类型 轨道误差/m 时钟误差/ns SISRE/m R T N 3D BDS BDS-2 GEO 0.76 2.71 1.46 3.18 2.43 1.29 IGSO 0.36 1.53 1.75 2.36 2.40 0.83 MEO 0.54 1.79 0.92 2.09 2.68 0.94 BDS-3 MEO 0.11 0.45 0.37 0.59 1.94 0.61 全部卫星 0.30 1.14 0.88 1.50 2.39 0.79 GPS 全部卫星 0.16 0.98 0.42 1.08 1.73 0.55 -
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