
Symbolic Expressions for Direct and Inverse Solutions to Common Latitudes with the Variable of Geocentric Latitude

  • 摘要: 借助具有强大符号运算功能的计算机代数系统Mathematica,推导了地图投影学中等距离纬度、等角纬度、等面积纬度与地心纬度之间的正反解直接展开式,并将式中的系数统一表示成关于椭圆偏心率e和椭球第三扁率n的幂级数形式。与以往反解方法不同的是,采用符号迭代法进行以地心纬度为变量的等距离纬度、等角纬度、等面积纬度的反解,并使用最大差异值作为衡量精度的标准。算例分析表明,以地心纬度为变量的常用纬度展开式在结构和形式上与以大地纬度为变量的辅助纬度保持一致,基于第三扁率n的幂级数表达式具有更紧凑的形式和更好的收敛性,其直接展开式的精度分别优于(1×10-8)″和(1×10-10)″,可以满足大地测量和地图投影精密计算的需要。


      Objectives  For traditional ellipsoid geometry, the transformations of direct and inverse solutions to common latitudes are carried out with the geodetic latitude as the variable, which is complex for understanding. However, the geocentric latitude is more intuitive than the geodetic latitude. Therefore, the direct and inverse solutions to common latitudes with the geocentric latitude as the variable are derived, which is not only the supplementary study of the latitude transformation theory but also the optimization of the traditional latitude transformation method.
      Methods  Firstly, the rectifying latitude, conformal latitude, and authalic latitude are expressed as the functions of geocentric latitude. Secondly, with the help of the powerful computer algebra system Mathematica, the coefficients are expressed in the power series of the elliptical eccentricity e and the third flattening rate n of the ellipsoid in the formulas respectively, and the direct solution expressions are obtained. On this basis, the inverse solution expressions are derived by the symbolic iteration method. Finally, through the example of CGCS2000 ellipsoid parameters, the accuracy of the derived formulas is verified with the maximum difference as the standard.
      Results  Numerical examples results show that the calculation error of the expressions based on e is less than 1×10-8, and that based on n is less than 1×10-10, which can completely meet the accuracy requirement of geodesy and map projection.
      Conclusions  Compared with the expansions of the auxiliary latitude with the geodetic latitude as the variable, the expansions of common latitudes with the geocentric latitude as the variable are consistent with them in structures and forms. Theoretically, the geocentric latitude can be used as a supplementary means of auxiliary latitude transformations, and the power series expressions based on n have more compact forms, better convergence, and higher calculation accuracy.


