In the fields of 3D cadastre and 3D property management system, numerous building property objects are adjacent as primary property units assemble into a 3D coherent set. During visualization process of the coherent set, occlusion, obscure, mazy spatial relationships and relative location relationships among the units of the coherent set cause difficulty in observing and understanding the set and its units. In this paper, we compare the advantages and disadvantages of present visualization methods for 3D coherent set, such as cross section mode, transparent mode, slide-out object mode and voxel visualization. Then the distortion visualization method is proposed for better visualization effect of coherent set and coherent objects. At last, the distortion visualization method is applied to real estate, and the result shows that the method proposed in this paper can not only visualize the focused 3D object and the coherent set, but also maintain spatial occupation, spatial position and topological relationships of whole coherent objects.