
Antenna Phase Wind-up Error Analysis of GNSS Relative Positioning Double-Difference Model

  • 摘要: 在全球导航卫星系统(global navigation satellite system,GNSS)定位中,相位缠绕是右极化信号因接收天线与发射天线发生相对旋转而产生的误差。当天线只绕其极化轴旋转时,短基线相对定位双差模型可以消除相位缠绕,因此静态短基线测量以及实时动态测量通常忽略此项误差改正。为了研究当天线旋转方向与极化轴方向不一致时(即发生倾斜摆动)双差模型中的相位缠绕影响,首先利用旋转机械臂设计了3种天线姿态变化方式。然后,从利用附加天线外部姿态信息计算的相位缠绕理论值和实测相位双差观测值残差两个方面进行验证分析,证明了当天线发生倾斜摆动时短基线相对定位双差模型不能完全消除相位缠绕误差。当天线倾斜幅度达到±50°时,相位双差残差达到峰值(0.03 m)。在使用姿态信息进行相位缠绕改正后,单颗卫星的双差残差均方根误差(root mean square error,RMSE)减小了21%~47%,动态短基线定位坐标偏差RMSE减小了27%~33%。最后验证了短基线相对定位中天线倾斜造成的相位缠绕影响与中长基线中地球曲率造成的相位缠绕影响具有近似等效性。


    Abstract: In high-precision global navigation satellite system (GNSS) positioning, phase wind-up is a non-negligible error, which is a rotary error caused by the relative rotation of the right-polarized signal due to the rotation of the receiving antenna and the transmitting antenna. When the antenna is only rotated about its boresight, the short baseline double-difference model can eliminate wind-up, so static short baseline positioning as well as real-time kinematic (RTK) measurement usually ignore this error correction. In order to study on the effect of phase wind-up in double-difference model when rotation direction of the antenna is inconsistent with the boresight (i.e. a wobbling or tumbling occurs), three kinds of antenna attitude changes are designed by using rotating robot. Then two aspects that the wind-up theoretical calculated value by the external antenna attitude information and the residual value of the phase double-difference, are used to prove that the short-baseline relative positioning double-difference model can't completely eliminate the phase wind-up error when the antenna is tilted. When the antenna tilt angle is reached to±50°, the double-difference residual peak-to-peak can be up to 0.03 m. Each satellite double-difference residual root mean square error(RMSE) has decreased by 21%-47% and dynamic short baseline positioning coordinate deviation RMSE by 27%-33% after wind-up correction with attitude information. Finally, the experimental results verify that the phase wind-up effect caused by the antenna tilt in the short baseline relative positioning is approximate equivalent to the phase wind-up effect caused by the earth curvature in the medium and long baseline.


