
Determination of BDS Monitoring Stations Coordinates and Its Influence on Orbit Determination Accuracy

  • 摘要: 对北斗监测站(框架点)坐标的计算方法进行探讨,提出精密单点定位和联合MGEX数据网解两种处理方案确定北斗地面监测网各站在国际地球参考架下的精密坐标。利用北斗观测数据对两种方案进行验证,特别分析了地面监测网各站坐标精化对北斗导航卫星区域网定轨精度的提升。初步计算结果表明:精密单点定位处理方案得到的各地面监测站坐标水平和高程的重复性分别为2.3 cm和3.4 cm,联合MGEX北斗数据网解处理方案得到的坐标水平和高程重复性分别为0.8 cm和2.2 cm。利用网解方案对监测站坐标进行更新后:IGSO(inclined geosynchronous orbit)卫星3D重叠弧段精度平均提升15.4%,MEO(medium earth orbit)卫星3D重叠弧段精度平均提升25.8%;北斗二号卫星平均激光检核残差由0.39 m降至0.24 m,平均精度提升38%;北斗三号卫星平均激光检核残差由0.25 m降至0.18 m,平均精度提升28%。


    Abstract: This paper discusses the calculaion approach of the coordinates of the BeiDou monitoring stations by proposing two schemes, one is precise point positioning (PPP) and the other is net-solution with MGEX. Only BDS observation data is used to verify two schemes. Especially, the improvement for the BeiDou satellites orbit determination accuracy with regional tracking network after coordinates refinement is analyzed. Initial results indicate that the PPP repeatability of station coordinates bias for days is better than 2.3 cm in the horizontal component and 3.4 cm in the vertical component, the net-solution repeatability for days is better than 0.8 cm in the horizontal component and 2.2 cm in the vertical component. BDS orbit determination accuracy with regional tracking network has a great enhancement after coordinates update using net-solution. The accuracy of IGSOs 3D overlap improves by 15.4%, while MEOs improves by 25.8%. The SLR validation reveals that laser residuals of BD-2 satellites reduce from 0.39 m to 0.24 m, the accuracy improves by 38%, the residuals of BD-3 satellites reduce from 0.25 m to 0.18 m, the accuracy improves by 28%.


