
Comparisons of Ionospheric Peak Parameters from Radio Occultation Observations and IRI-2016 Model Outputs over China

  • 摘要: 对2008—2014年由气象、电离层和气候卫星联合观测系统(Constellation Observing System for Meteorology Ionosphere and Climate,COSMIC)掩星观测与最新版国际电离层参考模型IRI-2016输出得到的电离层峰值参数(峰值密度NmF2与峰值高度hmF2)在中国区域进行了比较。IRI-2016模型输出值与COSMIC掩星反演值的相关性在太阳活动高年(2011—2014年)整体上高于太阳活动低年(2008—2010年)。在低年春秋季的当地时间(local time,LT)12:00—14:00,IRI-2016相对于COSMIC掩星在30°N~55°N区域内对NmF2和hmF2分别存在低估和高估现象,在15°N~30°N区域内则恰恰相反。对于NmF2,采用IRI_CCIR和IRI_URSI两种选项的模型输出值在中午时分均存在高估,在低年高估更为显著。对于hmF2,采用IRI_CCIR和IRI_AMTB两种选项的模型输出值在低年各季节均存在高估,且IRI_AMTB选项高估更显著,冬季最突出。结果表明,在中国区域由IRI-2016模型计算NmF2和hmF2时,分别推荐使用IRI_CCIR和IRI_Shubin选项。


    Abstract: NmF2 and hmF2 outputted by the latest International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2016) model are compared with COSMIC (Constellation Observing System for Meteorology Ionosphere and Climate) radio occultation (RO) measurements during 2008-2014 over China. For both NmF2 and hmF2, the correlations between IRI-2016 model outputs and COSMIC RO measurements are higher during high solar activity years (2011-2014) than low solar activity years (2008-2010). During LT(local time) 12:00-14:00 of equinox months in low solar activity years, IRI-2016 model generally underestimates NmF2 and overestimates hmF2 at 30°N-55°N, while overestimates NmF2 and underestimates hmF2 at 15°N-30°N. Outputs based on IRI_CCIR and IRI_URSI model options both overestimate NmF2 and the overestimation is more distinct during low solar activity years than high solar activity years. As for hmF2, during low solar activity years, both IRI_CCIR and IRI_AMTB model outputs are higher than COSMIC RO observations for all the three seasons and the deviations of IRI_AMTB model outputs from RO measurements are the largest, especially in winter. It is recommended that IRI_CCIR model and IRI_Shubin model should be used for calculating NmF2 and hmF2 over China respectively.


