
China's Urban Network from the Perspective of Toponym Co-occurrences in the News

  • 摘要: 经济全球化、信息化进程的不断推进以及交通基础设施的快速建设,促使了城市之间的联系更加紧密,城市网络化趋势更加凸显。网络新闻易于获取,且包含丰富的地理信息,从新闻地名共现的角度研究城市网络是一种崭新的视角,有助于明晰各城市定位,深化对城市网络特征及结构的理解。从联系、节点、网络3个层面对城市网络开展研究,使用网络新闻数据集,基于地名共现提出一种顾及城市词频的度量城市对关联强度的方法;采用社会网络分析法的中心度指标表征城市节点的影响力,探究其空间分布;基于分层可视化方法研究城市网络的特征及结构。结果表明,所提出的城市对关联强度度量方法弥补了现有Ochiia系数法未考虑新闻中出现多个地名等缺陷;城市影响力呈现沿海高、内陆低的空间分布格局;骨干城市网络呈现近似菱形的空间结构,北京、上海、广州、重庆等城市为核心节点。


    Abstract: The continuous advancement of economic globalization and informatization, along with the rapid construction of transportation infrastructure, have made cities more closely connected and made urban networking a prominent trend. Network news is easily accessible and contains bundant geographical information. Studying urban networks from the view of toponym co-occurrences in the news is a brand-new perspective, and conclusions may help clarify the status of cities, deepen the understanding of the structure of urban networks. This paper conducts research from contact, node and network successively. Firstly it proposes a new method aiming at measuring relatedness of city pair based on toponym co-occurrences; then it uses the centrality of social network analysis to characterize urban influence and explores its spatial distribution; finally it studies the characteristics and structure of urban networks. Results show that the proposed measurement approach highlights the strength of the relatedness, and makes up for the shortcomings of Ochiia coefficient method such as ignoring multiple diverse toponyms in the news; coastal cities possess higher urban influence than inland ones; the backbone urban network presents an approximately diamond-shaped spatial structure, metropolises such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Chongqing are the core nodes.


