Geo-spatial information technology can provide data resources, positioning benchmarks, basic framework and key technologies for disaster prevention and reduction. At present, there are some problems in Chinese disaster reduction services. Too much emphasis is placed on decision-ma-king and not on early warning. In addition, the technology, system and application integration of di-saster reduction services is not enough. There is still a lack of a unified understanding and a holistic top-level design guidance framework of disaster reduction services. In order to solve these technical problems of integrated perception, location, integration and comprehensive scene simulation of emergency information such as disaster events, various disaster-bearing bodies, the disaster-pregnant environment, and knowledgeable disaster reduction services, this paper returns to the nature of disaster reduction services, puts forward and explains the concept, connotation and characteristics of the integrated disaster reduction intelligent services from the perspective of surveying, mapping and geoinformation. Besides, an integrated disaster mitigation intelligence services architecture is designed with the consideration of the demand for disaster prevention and reduction services. This enterprise architecture is composed of the perception layer, the technology layer, the system layer and the application layer. Then, this paper forms the intelligence, totalization, integration, accurate, rapid and novelty thinking of disaster reduction services. Finally, the supporting technologies of disaster reduction ser-vices are presented and the comprehensive disaster reduction system is introduced. The proposed top-level design for the integrated disaster reduction intelligent services can solve the integrated perception, positioning, integration and simulation of the scene, and intellectualized disaster reduction ser-vices and other technical problems.