
Correlation Analysis Between Haze and GNSS Tropospheric Delay Based on Coherent Wavelet

  • 摘要: 为了进一步揭示雾霾与对流层延迟相关性的细部特征,基于小波相干算法构建雾霾与天顶对流层延迟(zenith tropospheric delay,ZTD)相关性分析的新方法,有效地分析了雾霾与ZTD相关性的时频空间分布特征及成因。首先,通过分析IGS(internet GNSS service)北京站2014-2017年每个月的ZTD与量化评定雾霾的空气质量指数(air quality index,AQI)的相关系数,发现两者在月尺度上相关系数绝对值大于0.4的比率占29.17%,宏观上显示了两者具有相关性。其次,采用小波相干的方法分析了北京2014-2017年期间年度ZTD与AQI的相关性,发现ZTD与AQI在一定的时频域上具有很强的相关性,并且通过了95%置信度检验。最后,由北京、长春部分时域的ZTD与AQI相关性分析可知,北京3月份ZTD与AQI总体上呈现正相关,并且AQI与温度、气压、湿度和风速具有较好的相关性;在研究时域内秸秆燃烧加剧了北京、长春的雾霾,进而影响对流层延迟。


    Abstract: Firstly, by analyzing the correlation coefficient between ZTD (zenith tropospheric delay) and AQI (air quality index) of IGS(International GNSS Service) Beijing station in 2014-2017 every month, it is found that the ratio of the absolute value of the correlation coefficient over 0.4 on the monthly scale is 29.17%, and the strong correlation characteristic is shown on the macro. Secondly, wavelet coherence are used to analyze the correlation of annual ZTD and AQI during the period of Beijing 2014-2017. It is found that ZTD and AQI have strong correlation in a certain time frequency domain and pass the 95% confidence test.Finally, according to the correlation analysis of ZTD and AQI in some time domains of Beijing and Changchun, the ZTD and AQI in March in Beijing showed a positive correlation on the whole, and AQI had a good correlation with temperature, pressure, humidity and wind speed.In the study, straw burning in the time domain aggravated the formation of haze in Beijing and Changchun, and then affected the tropospheric delay.


