
Satellite-Earth Coordinated High Efficiency Compression of Satellite Video Data

  • 摘要: 新兴的视频卫星数据采集速率与星地实时传输速率间存在巨大差异。传统视频编码技术通过去除单个视频中短时局部冗余以降低待传输数据量,但仍无法满足在现有星地传输带宽下实时数据传输的需求。长程背景冗余由多个遥感视频对同一观测区域重复拍摄所引发,广泛存在于具有一定时间跨度的重复拍摄的卫星遥感视频数据中。针对这一冗余去除问题,首先探讨了影响地貌背景变化的主要因素,提出了长程背景参考字典;其次,提出了基于长程背景参考字典的参考帧生成方法;最后,提出了基于长程背景参考的卫星视频编解码框架。实验表明,通过引入长程背景字典参考,卫星视频压缩后码率较现有方法降低64.38%,有助于推动卫星视频实时监测的发展与应用。


    Abstract: Video satellites have great potential for military and civil use due to their capabilities in the dynamic remote surveillance. However, the video data collection rate is far higher than the bandwidth between satellite and earth. Video coding is the technology to compression the video data to a low bitrate for transmission, by eliminating the local spatial/temporal redundancies, but there is still a gap between the bitrate of the video data and the satellite-earth bandwidth. Long-term background redundancy is a new type of redundancy existing in the remote satellite video data, caused by the repeated recording of the same place. This type of redundancy becomes significant as the video data of the same place increases. In this paper, we first discuss the factors causing the change of the background, and propose the long-term background reference library. After that, we propose the method for the background reference generation and the coding framework for satellite video data. Experimental results show that 64.38% reduction on video data bitrate can be achieved by using the proposed method, compared to the H.264 video coding standard. The proposed method will boost the applications of video satellite data in the surveillance field.


