
Challenges and Opportunities for Mapping and Surveying and Location Based Service in the Age of Intelligence

  • 摘要: 由人工智能引发的智能革命星火,正向各行各业蔓延,测绘与时空位置服务的相关方法、技术、产业形态和商业模式所面临的挑战与机遇,是值得深入思考的问题。从人工智能的内涵、历程和趋势出发,阐述了对新一代人工智能特征的理解,并对智能时代来临所带来的机遇和挑战进行了分析。聚焦到测绘与位置服务领域,认为其作为行业,不会消失但必须转型,并分析了转型的可能路径;作为学科,不会扩张但须跨界、交叉和融合;作为职业,将会出现蓝领消失,创客、智士领军的局面。测绘与位置服务行业需要充分挖掘自身优势,将系统性思维、时空观思维和创意性思维作为开启智能时代大门的钥匙,才能实现测绘与位置服务行业向绿色、智能、泛在发展的整体转型。


    Abstract: The sparks of an intelligent revolution, triggered by artificial intelligence, are spreading to all walks of life. The challenges and opportunities for methods, technology, as well as industrial and business models of mapping, surveying, and location based services, are a question that has to be considered in depth. The development paths and trends in artificial intelligence, are discussed for an understanding of the characteristics of the new generation of artificial intelligence. The opportunities and challenges brought by the coming age of intelligence are analyzed. Focusing on the field of mapping, surveying and location based services, this paper argues that this industry will not disappear but has a new impetus towards transformation. The possible paths for transformation are discussed. As an academic discipline, it will not expand, but fuse and cross disciplinary borders. As a career, it will make blue collar work an evaporating endeavor, while a number of makers and thinkers will become leading figures. The mapping, surveying, and location based service industry needs to fully tap their own advantages, with systemic thinking, space-time thinking and creative thinking as the key to open the door of the age of intelligence. Thereby, an overall transformation for mapping, surveying and location based service industry to be green, intelligent, pervasive development can be achieved.


