
BeiDou-Supported Aerotriangulation for UAV Aerial Images

  • 摘要: 介绍了北斗(BeiDou system,BDS)和BDS/GPS组合两种动态差分定位的基本模型,利用搭载有双频可同时接收BDS、GPS信号的全球卫星导航系统(global navigation satellite system,GNSS)接收机的无人机低空航摄系统对嵩山航空检校场进行航空摄影实验,比较了GPS、BDS以及BDS/GPS组合3种差分定位的结果,并利用3组摄站坐标进行了GNSS辅助空中三角测量。实验结果表明,利用3种定位模式获取的摄站坐标分别辅助光束法区域网平差的实际精度是一致的,平面中误差均小于±0.17 m,高程中误差均小于±0.25 m,可以满足丘陵地1:500比例尺地形测图的摄影测量加密精度要求。


    Abstract: We present the principals for BDS and BDS/GPS real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning. A experiment was conducted on Songshan calibration field using a UAV-based low altitude photograph platform which carried a double frequency GNSS system simultaneously receiving BDS and GPS signals. By comparing the positioning result of GPS, BDS, and the BDS/GPS-combined RTK models, and using these three groups of camera exposure station coordinates to carry out GNSS-supported aerotriangulation. These experiments demonstrate that the performance of GPS, BDS and BDS/GPS-combined RTK positioning model are very close in bundle block adjustment. For all three groups, the overall root mean square error was all lower than±0.17 m for the planimetry and±0.25 m for height, which satisfies the Chinese National specifications of aerial photogrammetric 1:500 mapping in hilly regions.


