
On Civil-Military Integrated Space-Based Real-Time Information Service System

  • 摘要: 介绍了军民融合战略的背景和天基信息系统发展的现状,阐述了建设军民融合卫星通信、遥感、导航(通导遥)一体天基信息实时服务系统的重大战略意义,提出了中国定位、导航、授时、遥感、通信(positioning,navigation,timing,remote sensing,communication,PNTRC)一体的天基信息服务系统建设构想,分析了系统建设目标、建设思路、路线图及应用前景,并对系统关键技术进行了分析论证,提出了PNTRC关键技术及相关建议,最后对中国PNTRC系统的发展进行了展望。


    Abstract: We introduce the background of civil-military integration strategy, analyze the achievements and challenges of the present situation of China's space-based information system, and discuss the strategic significance of the construction of a civil military integrated space-based real-time information service system. A proposal for the construction of communication-navigation-remote sensing integrated space-based information service system (including positioning, navigation, timing, remote sensing, and communication functions, PNTRC) is put forward. The ultimate goal is a implementation strategy, technical roadmap, and prospective PNTRC application. Key technologies for the construction of PNTRC are analyzed, some suggestions for key technologies are presented.


