
Analysis of PPP Performance Based on BDS Comprehensive Zone Corrections

  • 摘要: 目前北斗广域分米级星基增强系统在钟差改正数、轨道改正数的基础上,提出了基于相位观测值的分区综合改正数,介绍了分区综合改正数的概念及单频、双频用户的使用方法与定位模型。利用中国范围不同地区的北斗观测数据和对应的分区综合改正信息,统计了单频和双频用户分区综合改正精密单点定位的精度,并对其收敛性进行了分析。通过与使用GFZ提供的北斗超快速精密星历的定位效果比较,验证了分区综合改正定位在实时定位中的优势。在此基础上进一步对中国范围内分区综合改正定位效果与分区中心距离的关系进行了分析,并对不同观测时间长度的定位效果进行比较。结果表明,经分区综合改正后的双频用户平均25 min内动态定位三维误差能收敛至0.5 m以内,收敛后的定位精度为水平0.15 m,高程0.2 m;单频用户平均20 min内动态定位三维误差能收敛至0.8 m以内,收敛后的定位精度为水平0.3 m,高程0.5 m。随着用户站距离分区中心越远,定位效果总体呈现变差的趋势。总体上,当用户在分区中心1 000 km范围内时,北斗广域分区综合改正数将能提供实时分米级定位服务。


    Abstract: Comprehensive zone correction is a new type of differential corrections for BeiDou wide area augmentation system. As broadcasted together with the equivalent satellite clock and orbit corrections by BDS satellites, they enable user decimeter-level real-time positioning capability using the carrier-phase observations. In this paper, we give a brief introduction of comprehensive zone corrections, and the function model of precise point positioning (PPP) for dual-and single-frequency users using the comprehensive zone corrections. Tracking data of 30 stations in mainland China are used to evaluate the PPP performance, including convergence time, positioning accuracy and its relation with the user's distance from the zone center. Results show that the dual-frequency PPP convergences to 0.5 m in 25 minutes and the positioning accuracy are 0.15 m in horizontal and 0.2 m in vertical, respectively. As for single frequency PPP, the positioning accuracy convergences to 0.8 m in 20 minutes, while the positioning accuracy is 0.3 m in horizontal and 0.5 m in vertical. We conclude that the BDS PPP accuracy using the broadcasted wide area differential corrections reaches decimeter level within the distance of 1 000 km around zone center, and the accuracy becomes slightly worse with the user's distance from the zone center increasing.


