摘要: 21世纪以来,高分辨率对地观测卫星快速发展,对地观测系统由最初的单星模式发展为现在的轻小型卫星组建星座,实现了全天时、全天候、全方位的对地精细化观测。未来将对地观测卫星星座与通信卫星、导航卫星和飞机等空间节点通过动态组网,建立天基空间信息网络,以实现智能化空天信息的实时服务。为了进一步增强系统的智能化水平,提高系统感知、认知能力和应急响应能力,本文提出未来空间信息网络环境下对地观测脑(earth observation brain,EOB)的概念,对地观测脑是基于事件感知的智能化对地观测系统。详细介绍了对地观测脑的概念模型及需要解决的关键技术,举例说明了对地观测脑初级阶段的感知、认知过程。将来对地观测脑可以回答何时(when)、何地(where)、何目标(what object)发生了何种变化(what change),并在规定的时间(right time)和地点(right place)把这些正确的信息(right information)推送给需要的人(right people)的手机或其他智能终端,全球用户可实时获得所需的任何数据、信息和知识。Abstract: As we entered the 21 century, after more than ten years of rapid development of high resolution remote sensing satellite, the earth observation satellite system has developed from the original single satellite observation model to the present light and small satellite constellation observation model. All-weather and all-directional earth observation can be realized. The satellite constellation, communication satellites, navigation satellites and aircrafts are linked through dynamic linking network to form space-based information network to realize intelligent earth observation in the future. To make the system more intelligent and improve perception and cognition of system as well as quick response ability, earth observation brain (EOB) is proposed in this paper. EOB is the intelligent earth observation system based on events perception. In this paper, the concept model of EOB and the key technologies needed to be solved are introduced in detail, and an example is given to illustrate the process of perceptual cognition in the primary stage of the EOB. In the future, EOB can observe when, where, what change of what object to push these right information to right people in the right time and right place. Globally all kinds of users will obtain related geospatial data, information and knowledge in real time through EOB.
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