
Rapid Configuration Algorithm for Ground-Based Pseudolite Navigation System

  • 摘要: 现有的几种地基导航伪卫星布局优化算法时间复杂度过高,无法满足应急场景下的伪卫星导航系统布设需求,为此提出了基于最大凸多面体准则的快速优化算法。该算法利用最大凸多面体准则,对所有可能布设伪卫星的位置进行评估,评估依据为能否对降低多用户几何精度因子加权均值产生较大贡献,评估结果将可布设伪卫星位置分为高贡献度顶星位置、高贡献度底星位置和低贡献度可剔除位置3类。评估后穷举高贡献度的顶星、底星组合,找到最优伪卫星布局。将该算法应用于常见不规则地形的伪卫星布设问题中,仿真结果表明,该算法能够得到全局最优解,且解算耗时较现有算法大幅减少,能够满足应急场景下伪卫星导航系统布设的实际应用需求。


    Abstract: Current solutions of configuration of ground-based pseudolite navigation system cannot meet the emergency application demand because their time-complexity is too high and the results are not optimal enough. To solve this problem, an algorithm named optimization searching based on maximum convex-hull (OSMC) is proposed. In OSMC, all location points which pseudolites can be placed on are evaluated according to the maximum convex hull theory, the result of evaluation is the importance of a location point. The more important a location point is, the higher scores it can get. After all location points are evaluated, we have an overall result of all location points. From the overall result we can find out the location points which are suitable for being set up as bordering pseudolites or central pseudolites, in the global optimum constellation. When the points having lower scores are excluded, the rest points would have the higher probability to constitute the best constellation. Exhaustive method is used in the remain points to search the best constellation. OSMC can be used in irregular areas to get a quasi-optimal pseudolite distribution rapidly. The simulations of OSMC in practical examples confirm that OSMC can truly get the quasi-optimal constellation in much shorter time than the other current solutions, and the results are optimal enough, which meets the demand of emergency applications.


