
Characteristics of 3" SRTM Errors in China

  • 摘要: 系统评估了中国地区航天飞机雷达地形测绘任务(Shuttle Radar Topography Mision,SRTM)3″高程误差的分布及其与地形和地表覆盖因素的关系。通过单因子分析法,使用从50多万个样本点中提取的地表特征属性确定误差的变化规律。结果显示:SRTM高程误差与不同地形和地表覆盖类型关系密切;坡度增大误差由正变负,误差绝对值增大;正误差集中在偏北坡向,负误差集中在西南坡向;误差随植被覆盖增加而增大;冰川、沙漠、湿地区域误差整体为负,城镇建筑区的误差整体为正;坡度作为主导因素,同时影响其他因素对高程误差的作用。数据在某些区域存在明显高程异常,在平坦地区存在条带现象。整体上SRTM高程误差在中国地区呈现复杂的变化规律。


    Abstract: The 3" SRTM elevation error in China were methodically evaluated by using sample survey at more than five hundred thousand sites. The characteristics of SRTM errors was identified according to the landscape attributes. The results showed that SRTM error is closely related to different topography and land cover types. The error changes from positive to negative with its absolute value getting bigger with increasing slope; Positive error concentrate in north facing aspect, while negative error in southwest facing aspect; The error increases with increasing vegetation cover fraction; In the regions of glacier, desert and wetland, the mean errors are negative, while in building areas the mean error is positive. Among different factors, slope plays the pivotal role affecting SRTM errors. Additionally, SRTM data has significant abnormity in some areas such as desert and steep mountain, and arise stripes in flat areas.


