
A Novel Optimization Algorithm of Track Fine Adjustment for High-speed Railways

  • 摘要: 长钢轨应力放散锁定后的轨道精调是确保客运专线无砟轨道几何形位高平顺性的必要阶段。精调作业常通过轨道几何状态测量仪采集轨道三维数据,利用配套精调软件包手动模拟得出调整方案,指导轨道精调。模拟精调中常常反复调整才能使基准轨平顺性达标,自动化程度低。基准轨平顺性满足要求后,仅依靠轨距、轨距变化率、水平和扭曲等参数控制非基准轨,会降低其平顺性。为此,提出利用L1范数最优原则进行双轨精调的优化算法(optimization algorithm of double-rails track fine adjustment,OADTFA),建立顾及基准弦端点偏差的平顺性约束,增加非基准轨轨向、高低约束,采用逐点移动基准弦分组调整策略,由单纯形法求解优化调整量。实测数据测试结果表明,OADTFA可实现钢轨自动化精调,确保双轨任意处几何形位高平顺性,自动给出最优左右轨调整量。


    Abstract: Track fine adjustment of the rails can control the regularity of ballastless track of passenger lines, which is essential for ensuring the high track regularity. Using the three-dimensional coordinates measured by track surveying trolleys, the analogue adjustment of fasteners can be achieved by a piece of special software. However, the method used in the software for analogue adjustment is manually operated. In order to make the track regularity of the reference rail fit the requirements, the low degree of automation of track analogue adjustment needs repeated manual adjustment. The gauge, change rate of the gauge, cant, and twist cannot control lateral and vertical profiles of non-reference rails. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel adjustment algorithm called optimization algorithm of double track fine adjustment (OADTFA), based on L1 norm optimal principle. In OADTFA, the deviations of endpoints of reference chords participate as constraints for the lateral and vertical profiles, which control not only irregularities of the reference rail but also irregularities of non-referencerails. The strategy of choosing reference chord (e.g. 300 m) for sectional optimization adjustment is point by point. The optimally adjusted value of each fastener can be calculated by simplex method. An analogue adjustment experiment shows that OADTFA can automatically complete analogue adjustment, ensuring the high regularity of double rails anywhere, and give the optimally adjusted values of double rails.


