
Review of Impervious Surface Mapping Using Remote Sensing Technology and Its Application

  • 摘要: 地理国情监测是我国测绘工作在新时代的主要任务和发展方向。不透水层分布是城市和区域环境的生态考核指标之一,对城市和区域的发展规划和生态评估具有重要意义。但是,目前我国地理国情普查和监测工作中依然缺少对不透水层分布的调查和统计。基于遥感技术的不透水层提取具有实时、快速、精确的特点,本文首先针对不同遥感影像的数据特点和优势介绍了不透水层提取的经典理论,然后对现有的不透水层应用方向进行了总结,主要包括水文、城市热岛效应、土地利用及变化、城市生态环境监测以及城市规划,最后展望其在相关行业中的潜在应用,并建议将不透水层分布列为我国地理国情调查和监测的内容。


    Abstract: Impervious surface distribution is one of the key indicators of the regional and urban environment, and plays an important role in development planning and ecological assessment. Impervious surface extraction and analysis however has been overlooked in much of the work on monitoring national geographic conditions. Impervious surface mapping based on remote sensing technology has attracted lots of interest. as it can be used to estimate the distribution of impervious surfaces over large areas quickly and accurately. This paper starts with a review of the classical methods for impervious surface mapping using remote sensing data. The important applications of impervious surface mapping are summarized, including hydrology, heat island effect, land use/land cover development monitoring and planning, urban ecology condition assessment, and city planning. Finally, the suggestions for future applications of impervious surface mapping based on remote sensing technology in China are proposed. The contents in this paper demonstrate why impervious surface should be included in national geographic condition monitoring projects in the future.


