
张鑫龙, 陈秀万, 李怀瑜, 李飞

张鑫龙, 陈秀万, 李怀瑜, 李飞. 一种改进元胞自动机的人员疏散模型[J]. 武汉大学学报 ( 信息科学版), 2017, 42(9): 1330-1336. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20150763
引用本文: 张鑫龙, 陈秀万, 李怀瑜, 李飞. 一种改进元胞自动机的人员疏散模型[J]. 武汉大学学报 ( 信息科学版), 2017, 42(9): 1330-1336. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20150763
ZHANG Xinlong, CHEN Xiuwan, LI Huaiyu, LI Fei. An Improved Cellular Automata Model for Simulating Pedestrian Evacuation[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2017, 42(9): 1330-1336. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20150763
Citation: ZHANG Xinlong, CHEN Xiuwan, LI Huaiyu, LI Fei. An Improved Cellular Automata Model for Simulating Pedestrian Evacuation[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2017, 42(9): 1330-1336. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20150763



国家自然科学基金 41272366

国家自然科学基金 41230634


    张鑫龙, 博士生, 主要从事元胞自动机理论与方法研究。mtxinlong@126.com

  • 中图分类号: P208

An Improved Cellular Automata Model for Simulating Pedestrian Evacuation


The National Natural Science Foundation of China 41272366

The National Natural Science Foundation of China 41230634

More Information
    Author Bio:

    ZHANG Xinlong, PhD candidate, specializes in cellular automaton. E-mail: mtxinlong@126.com

  • 摘要: 为使人员疏散离散模型更好描述行人微观特性,提出一种改进元胞自动机的人员疏散模型。在传统模型基础上,将空间划分为更细小网格,令单个行人占据多个网格以便展现行人间微观行为。引入社会力模型中自身驱动力、排斥力、摩擦力的运算规则改进模型,以模拟行人间碰撞现象。通过建立行人出口选择机制并改进移动规则,真实模拟行人动态出口选择过程。疏散过程中考虑了速度因素,能更加具体展现行人不同的移动方式。模拟结果显示,改进的模型能够真实地反映人员疏散的具体过程。
    Abstract: A new evacuation model is proposed for simulating pedestrian dynamics during emergencies. Based on the traditional cellular automata model enhanced with a finer discretization of space, each pedestrian occupies more than one cell and can move more than one cell during each time step. The operational rules of desire repulsive, and friction forces in a social force model are introduced in the proposed model. We establish an exit choosing method and the movement rules, and observe pedestrian movements to new destinations. Velocity is considered when describing dynamic processes of pedestrian behaviors during an evacuation. The characteristics of pedestrian evacuations are analysed in simulations and. The results show that the proposed model is valid for simulating pedestrian evacuation.
  • 图  1   φ值与疏散行人目标方向关系图

    Figure  1.   Diagram of Relation Between φ and Pedestrian Target Direction

    图  2   行人模拟过程流程图

    Figure  2.   Flowchat of Pedestrian Simulation

    图  3   行人疏散模拟动态过程

    Figure  3.   A Dynamic Process of Simulating Pedestrian Evacuation

    图  4   疏散人数示意图

    Figure  4.   Diagram of Numbers of Outgoing Pedestrians

    图  5   碰撞人数比例示意图

    Figure  5.   Diagram of Ratio of Pedestrian Collision

    图  6   疏散初始阶段人员疏散对比图

    Figure  6.   Comparison of Pedestrian Distribution at the Beginning of Evacuation Process

    表  1   三种模型的比较

    Table  1   Comparison Among Three Models

    模型 现象 运行时间/s
    社会力模型 碰撞挤压,行人速度变化,弓形结构,出口总效用低。 496
    经典元胞自动机模型 拥挤,行人运动速度一致,出口总效用低。 20
    本文模型 碰撞挤压,行人速度变化,弓形结构,出口总效用高。 22
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