
A Method Designed for Calculating the Cooperative Targets' Mounting Parameters to Vehicle Based Position and Orientation System

  • 摘要: POS系统是移动测量系统的重要组成部分。由于系统集成影响,POS系统中心的运动状态无法直接观测。因此,可采取设置相关测量合作目标的方法,在确定其与POS系统中心的位置基础上,通过观测合作目标来确定POS系统中心的运动状态。从车载移动测量系统空间基准统一方程出发,提出了一种解算测量合作目标安置参数的方法,并以此为基础,系统分析POS系统定位定姿误差、全站仪测距测角误差、尺度因子误差等误差源对安置参数解算的影响,推导了安置参数解算的误差模型。实验结果表明,采用本文解算方法,可以获取毫米级的合作目标安置参数,满足合作目标应用于动态测量检测POS系统定位精度的需求。


    Abstract: The Position and Orientation System (POS) is a critical element in mobile mapping systems. Because of the complex system integration, the center of the POS is hard to observe. Thus, a cooperative target could be used for tracking the motion state of a POS, if the relative position between target and A POS is determined. Based on the positioning equation for mobile mapping systems, we analyze the calibration techniques for cooperative target lever-arm parameters. An error model was designed for predicting the accuracy of mounting parameters of cooperative targets, with consideration of the impact from errors such as laser ranging error, angular measurement error, position error, orientation error, and scale factor error. Outdoor experiments were carried out to verify the feasibility of this calibration method, verifying that it could be used for testing the dynamic position accuracy of POS.


