
Towards a Core Set of Landscape Metrics for Land Use: A Case Study from Guangzhou, China

  • 摘要: 景观格局是研究景观功能和动态的基础。景观指数分析在土地利用/土地覆盖、生态系统服务、森林监控、城市蔓生以及生物多样性等方面应用广泛。现有许多景观指数之间存在不同程度的相关性,不仅导致信息冗余,还将影响结果解译的清晰性和准确性。同时,已有研究主要针对栅格数据,针对矢量数据的景观指数分析研究较少。为解决上述问题,以广州市土地利用景观格局为例,在矢量数据格式下计算了44个常用的景观指数,并运用相关分析和因子分析相结合的多元统计分析法,提取了6个核心景观指数,这些指数描述了广州市土地利用景观格局的6个维度:景观破碎度、平均斑块面积、平均形状复杂度、空间分散度、形状复杂度差异和土地类型的相似性。


    Abstract: The spatial pattern of landscape is fundamental to landscape's function and development. Landscape metric analysis is widely applied in fields such as land use/land cover patterns, ecosystem service, forest monitoring, urban sprawl, regional biodiversity, etc. There are high correlations between many presented landscape metrics, which not only result in redundancy but also influence the clarity and accuracy of interpretation. Meanwhile, most of previous researches on landscape metric analysis use raster data and few use vector data. In order to solve these problems, a case study of Guangzhou land use pattern was performed. Firstly, we calculate 44 common landscape metrics using vector data. Then, multivariate statistical analysis, a combination of Spearman correlation analysis and factor analysis, is applied to solve the problem of redundancy. A core set of six landscape metrics in vector format is extracted, which respectively describe landscape fragmentation, average patch size, average shape complexity, spatial isolation, shape complexity variation and land use similarity.


