
A Morphing of Linear Feature Based on Shape Context Matching

  • 摘要: 提出了一种基于上下文特征的形状匹配方法,并将其用于线状要素的Morphing变换。首先通过计算每个点的形状上下文,建立形状直方图,然后通过直方图匹配找到同名实体在大小比例尺下轮廓点的最佳匹配关系。根据点的匹配关系,得到对应线段。最后通过分段线性内插实现线状要素的连续尺度变换。实验结果表明,基于形状上下文的轮廓点集匹配方法不需要标志点或者关键点,适应性较强,可以有效地实现形状匹配,极大地提高Morphing变换的精度。


    Abstract: We introduce a shape matching method based on the shape context, and apply it to the morphing of linear features. For the two representations of the same linear feature in two different scales, to get the correspondences of the point, the shape context of every point on the shape is calculated at the very beginning. Then we compute the similarity between different points using shape histogram. The two linear features are divided into two groups of sub-segments by the matching result. Finally, using the linear interpolation method to Morphing every pair of the corresponding sub-segments. The experimental results show that during the process of matching no special landmarks or key-points of the linear features are needed. It has strong adaptability to the shape matching and greatly improve the accuracy of morphing transformation.


