
Wide-Swath InSAR Geodesy and Its Applications to Large-Scale Deformation Monitoring

  • 摘要: 随着人们对大尺度地形信息与地表环境变化监测需求的提升,以及哨兵1号(Sentinel-1A)、大地2号(ALOS-2)等合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture radar,SAR)卫星的宽幅模式数据不断获取,宽幅雷达干涉测量(SAR interferometry,InSAR)技术已成为大尺度地形测绘、地球动力学(地震、火山、滑坡等)与人工地物结构健康监测等领域的研究热点。分析了两类宽幅SAR数据,即扫描(ScanningSAR,ScanSAR)模式与逐行扫描地形观测(terrain observation by progressive scans SAR,TOPSAR)模式开展干涉测量的主要限制条件与解决方法,探讨了宽幅InSAR形变监测关键误差估计与改正方法、时间序列分析技术与方位向位移观测技术,并给出2008年矩震级Mw 7.1新疆于田地震同震、震后形变监测应用。随着宽幅SAR数据的不断积累,宽幅InSAR大地测量学有望得到深入发展与应用。


    Abstract: The increasing demands for large-scale terrain information and land surface environmental change monitoring, as well as increasing availability of wide-swath (WS) SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) data acquisitions from the Sentinel-1A and ALOS-2, WS InSAR (SAR Interferometry) technology has made InSAR a hot research topic in the fields of large-scale topographic surveying and mapping, Geodynamics (earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, etc.) and structural monitoring, . In this paper, on the basis of our existing research and the recent research achievements, we review the two kinds of WS SAR acquisition geometries, ScanSAR (Scanning SAR) mode and TOPS (Terrain Observation by Progressive Scans) mode, and analyze the main limitations and solutions in InSAR applications. We investigate the key sources of error in deformation monitoring, WS InSAR time series analysis methods, azimuth displacement observation methods, and the applications of coseismic and postseismic crustal deformation monitoring during the 2008 Mw7.1 Yutian Earthquake. We end with a discussion of the next generation high resolution WS SAR satellite and summarize trends in WS InSAR. With continuous data acquisition, WS InSAR Geodesy will achieve in-depth development.


