
Computation of GRACE Atmospheric De-Aliasing Models Using ERA-Interim Data

  • 摘要: 针对欧洲中程天气预报中心实时大气数据中由于水平及垂直分辨率变化所引起的大气压跳跃,利用再分析大气数据(ERA-Interim)及去平滑球谐分析方法计算重力恢复与气候实验卫星(gravity recovery and climate experiment,GRACE)大气去混频模型,从谱域、空域角度及利用主成分分析方法比较其与标准大气与海洋去混频模型的差距,并采用星间距离变率残差作为标准衡量两种模型的优劣。结果表明:两种模型之间精度相近,用于计算时变重力场模型时其影响可忽略,但在用于计算下一代卫星重力场模型时,需考虑其影响。


    Abstract: This paper focuses on using ERA-Interim atmosphere data and de-smoothing spherical harmonic analysis method to compute Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment atmospheric de-aliasing models based on pressure jumps found in the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecast operational analysis atmosphere data, resulting from change of horizontal and vertical resolution, The computed model and the Atmospheric and Oceanic De-aliasing level 1B RL05 atmospheric model are compared, in view of the spectral and spatial domains. The Principal Component Analysis method was used to do the comparison. Moreover, the Root Mean Square of the range rate residuals was also used as a criterion to evaluate the quality of these two models. The results show that the two models have similar precision. The differences between these two models is negligible when computing GRACE temporal gravity field models, but the difference should be considered when computing next generation satellite temporal gravity field models.


