
Calculation of Urban Rainstorm Waterlogging with Drainage Area

  • 摘要: 提出了给定淹没水量条件下基于流域排水区间分布的城市暴雨积水过程计算模型。该模型针对城市暴雨积水过程的形成机理和特点提出了两个基本假设,以各积水淹没源的空间分布特征规律为依据将城市流域划分为若干个排水区间,并将排水区间作为积水淹没计算的基本单元。为了保证计算的效率,根据流域地形起伏分布状况,该模型将各个排水区间内的空间区域范围简化为一个规则几何体,并结合体积法和多种漫流计算思想模拟暴雨积水在各排水区间内部和淹没源点之间的漫延过程。实验结果表明,该模型高效、可行,对流域资料要求较低,在信息不完备条件下的城市暴雨积水模拟中具有一定的应用价值。


    Abstract: Rainstorm waterlogging is one of the main consequences of the urban storm flood disaster. Based on the distribution of drainage areas and given rainfall volume, we proposed an urban rainstorm waterlogging calculation model. Two hypotheses for the mechanism and characteristics of urban waterlogging were introduced. According to the spatial feature of waterlogging sources, the urban watershed was divided into several drainage areas that serve as the calculation cells of the calculation model. In order to ensure the efficiency, the internal space of each drainage area was simplified to a regular geometric figure based on the terrain factors, so that the waterlogging of each source and the water spreading between different sources can be simulated using the bulk algorithm and different spreading calculation methods. The illustrative case shows that the calculation model is effective and feasible, which has some application value in waterlogging modeling under the condition of incomplete information.


