
Group-based Incremental Updating of Geographic Data for Urbanization Construction

  • 摘要: 随着我国土地城镇化进程的加快,城市基础地理数据的采集与更新速度难以跟上城镇化建设的速度。针对城镇化建设的不同类型,分析城镇化建设空间分布和数据特征,提出了组块式增量更新模型;依据城镇化建设中的多地理要素成组分布特征,生成组块式增量信息,制定规范的数据传递格式和更新流程,以武汉、深圳两地的实验样区为例,阐述面向城镇化建设的组块更新过程并论证其可行性,为面向城镇化建设的地理数据增量更新提供完整的解决方案。


    Abstract: The acquisition and update speed of urban foundational geographic data cannot keep pace with the speed of urbanization construction with the acceleration of land urbanization process.For the current situation of urbanization process, the paper analyses the characteristics of the urbanization construction and their representations of geographic data, and proposes a Group-based Incremental Updating Model (GBIUM) by utilizing the incremental updating technology.Such model generates the group-based incremental information based on the characteristics of geographic elements that are distributed in groups, and defines the spatial operation of group-based incremental information on the basis of group-based incremental information.At last, the paper formulates the standardized data transmission format and updating workflow based on sample regions in Wuhan and Shenzhen that are taken as experiments, and gives a detailed discussion on update process of geographic elements of urbanization construction by combining experiment and statistical results. Analysis with different models of urbanization construction and corresponding experiments illustrate the feasibility and efficiency of GBIUM in urban data updating.


