A method for estimating the land subsidence velocity field was proposed by combining m ulti-platform InSARdata set. The precise estimation of subsidence could be achieved by combing redun-dant observations.However, the key problems to be solved in integration of different SAR datasetsincluded different imaging geo metries and inconsistent spatial/tem poral resolutions.We discussed allthese problems in detail and given one solution. Our method then was applied to detect unbiased long-term velocity field in Shanghai, China with 18 Terra SAR-X、16 ENVISAT ASARand 20 ALOS PAL-SAR datasets. Firstly, large-scale velocity maps from three SAR data stacks were extracted whichshow similar deformation patterns and different nu merical ranges. Then, weighted least squares ad-justment was used to derive unbiased velocity field. The experimental results were validated with lev-eling data. The experiment results show that combing multi-platform InSA R data achieved precise es-timation of deformation without any prioriinformation.