
Reliable URTK Service Based on PPP-AR Ambiguity Rapid Reconvergence

  • 摘要: 研究了观测数据短时失锁或中断情况下的精密单点定位-模糊度解算(precise point positioning-ambiguity resolution,PPP-AR)模糊度快速重收敛方法,给出了合理的观测值精化信息外推时间阈值,从系统端和用户端分别论证了该方法对提升现有非差网络RTK(undifferenced network real time kinematic positioning,URTK)服务可靠性的重要意义,并设计了相应的实时测试方案进行验证分析。测试结果表明,观测值精化信息可有效外推至少30 s,采用PPP-AR模糊度快速重收敛技术后,即使在周跳频繁发生的恶劣观测条件下也能使URTK系统端和用户端保持较高的服务可靠性。用户无需区域增强系统支持即可独立实现模糊度快速重收敛,有效降低了用户从URTK系统端获取区域增强信息时的实时数据通讯负担。


    Abstract: We study PPP-AR rapid ambiguity re-convergence in the case of short-term loss or disruption of observation data, offer a reasonable extrapolation time threshold for using augmentation information, demonstrate the reliability improvement of existing URTK services when using this method, and design a corresponding real-time testing scheme to verify its availability. The results show that, augmentation information can be extrapolated for at least 30s, and that the PPP-AR rapid ambiguity re-convergence method can improve the reliability of URTK service for control center and rovers even in poor observation conditions. Rovers can independently realize ambiguity rapid re-convergence without the support of regional URTK augmentation service, which will reduce the real-time data communication burden between rovers and control center significantly.


