
Lunar Spatial Environmental Indicators Dynamically Modeling Based Exploration Area Selection

  • 摘要: 针对在复杂的月表环境下及时高效地选择合适的探测区域这一问题,考察已有的月球探测研究资料,分析了可能影响到科学探测的月球空间环境因子,在此基础上开发了一个可对环境因子动态建模并应用模型自动选取探测区的GIS系统。基于该系统,构建了一个针对嫦娥三号着陆区附近探测区域选取的评价模型,并将其成功应用于嫦娥三号巡视器科学探测目标的选取工作。


    Abstract: The environment of the lunar surface is quite complex and under such complicated lunar environment, how to effectively get a reasonable, safe, and scientific valuable exploration area is extremely important for the lunar exploration program. To solve this problem, firstly, based on the available lunar exploration data and some research work about the landing site selection, this approach investigated the lunar environmental indicators that might influence the exploration work, after that, an interactive GIS prototype system for exploration area selection was designed and developed, and based on the system the environmental indicators were used to construct exploration area selection model dynamically, with which the right exploration area could be calculated and visualized automatically. This system was successfully implemented in the scientific exploration selection work for the Chang'E 3 lunar rover, and the exploration selection result shows that it is good for the lunar exploration.


