
Cognitive Rules of People Choosing Routes in Large Stores

  • 摘要: 采用网络问卷的方式,对大型商场内人群的择路行为认知规律进行了研究,发现不论在楼梯类别的选择还是在上下楼路线的选择等择路行为上,不同性别、年龄、教育程度的人均体现出一致性。人们在上楼时的楼梯、路线选择上具有明显的倾向性,但在下楼时的选择相对较为平衡;不论上楼还是下楼,当楼层差在两层以下时,大部分人会选择自动扶梯;当楼层差大于等于三层时,大部分人会选择电梯。对室内空间处于不同楼层的两点之间的最优路径分析具有参考价值。


    Abstract: We study the cognitive rules of people choosing routes in large stores by using online questionnaires, finding that people at different gender, ages, educational background can make the same decision when they are faced with the choice of the stair or route to go upstairs or downstairs. People have obvious tendency when they go upstairs but do not have obvious tendency when they go downstairs. Most people will choose the escalator when the floor span is below or equal to two. However, most people will choose the elevator when the floor span is more than two. These rules are quite valuable for the analysis of the optimal path when the two points in indoor space are on different floors.


