
A Method of Constructing Approximate Equal-Area Diamond Gird

  • 摘要: 格网等积性是提高空间统计分析精度的有效手段。以正八面体和Snyder投影为基础,提出了一种近似等积菱形格网的构建方法,并分析了格网的面积误差规律及分布特征。分析结果表明,绝大部分菱形格网的面积误差率均在-0.25%~0.25%之间;当剖分层次为6时,该区间内格网数目占总格网数的比率为99.99%;仅有3个格网的面积误差率较大,它们均处于初始剖分面中心点附近,且呈对称的空间分布特征。


    Abstract: The Equal-area characteristics of the global discrete gird have contributed to the improvement of spatial analysis precision. In this paper, a method for constructing approximate equal-area diamond girds is proposed based on the octahedron using the Snyder projection. Area deformation rules for diamonds are analyzed and the spatial distribution of diamond grids with different area deformations is presented. The analysis results indicate: 1. area deformation ratios of most cells in diamond grids are between-0.25% and 0.25%; when subdivision level is equal to six, while the area deformation ratios of 99% of diamond grids are between-0.25% and 0.25%; 2. three girds with the maximum area deformation are near to center point of subdivision surface of the octahedron, while the spatial distribution of grids with different area deformations is symmetrical.


